
View Cursor in Fullscreen

  • jelequeu

    jelequeu - 2005-09-09

    Hi, I'm trying to make a context menu when videos is playing fullscreen but I can't see my cursor. Does anybody can help me please??

    I've try to had this line :
    but it doesn't work.


    • Eric

      Eric - 2005-09-09

      What kind of "Fullscreen" do you use (IVideoWindow.put_FullScreenMode, the parent window is borderless and maximized or VMR with a custum A/P) ?

    • jelequeu

      jelequeu - 2005-09-09

      I'm using "IVideoWindow.put_FullScreenMode"


    • jelequeu

      jelequeu - 2005-09-10

      Oki, I will ask them if there is a solution to fix the problem.

      If I get an answer, i will post a news post.
      if someone have some news.... please, let me know


    • jelequeu

      jelequeu - 2005-09-10

      Still need help, please


      • Eric

        Eric - 2005-09-10

        Setting the cursor status before passing in fullscreen has no effect and you can't set it after because IVideoWindow methods can't be called when the video renderer is in fullscreen mode !

        I suspect this limitation came from old DirectDraw cooperative level. When coop level is set to exclusive forground, system cursor can't be drawn...

        The only option i see is to use VMR 7 or VMR 9 in windowless mode. To simulate a fullscreen window you will have to add this to your form configuration :

        this.TopMost = true;
        this.ControlBox = false;
        this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized;

      • snarfle

        snarfle - 2005-09-10

        It might not hurt to check with the people in the ms newsgroups too. While they aren't going to be experts on our c# library, there are people there who really know their DirectShow.


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