
What is relation between QF and trate ?

  • Ajay

    Ajay - 2009-05-29


    what is association between qf (quality factor) and trate (target bit rate)?
    both are data members of dirac_encparams_t.

    if i want to set my bit rate 256kbps ,then what is the significance of quality factor ?
    how are they related to each other? 

    Regards &
    Thanks in advance .

    • Anuradha Suraparaju

      QF is used in constant quality mode and trate is used in constant bitrate mode. When trate is non-zero it overrides QF. In constant bit-rate mode the value of QF is used  to set the initial quality only. Having a high QF in CBR mode can result in the encoder taking longer to adapt to the required constant bit rate.


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