
Volunteers and Documentation

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Hey I know this projects hasn't even reached 0.5 yet, but I expect it would get a lot more contributions in the form of testing and coding time, if there was something in the documentation section.

    It wouldn't have to be extensive, just something to make potential tinkerers feel they have a starting point.

    This seems like a pretty important project in the emergence of internet television, and I would like to see it mature as quickly as possible.

    Keep up the good work anyway.

    • Thomas Davies

      Thomas Davies - 2004-09-21

      There's loads of documentation on the Home Page link. Are you suggesting it should be mirrored on Sourceforge, or do you want additional info? The api and algorithm docs are already included in the distribution, too.



      • Nobody/Anonymous

        Sorry, you're right, I missed that. Maybe in the documentation section on sourceforge there could be a link to where it's actually located (but perhaps most people are more thorough at searching for these things than I am).


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