Dilip - 2008-01-04


I am new for the opendiameter. I have successfully installed =20
OpenDiameter. But After that i found file of opendiameter in =20
/usr/local/etc/opendiameter Directory.

I have some questions regarding Diameter that i mentioned below.

1) My task is to authenticate user using diameter server.For that i =20
want to start Diameter Server. For that i have tried much more but =20
still not get any success.
help me for configuration of Opendiameter Server. Which files required =20
for start diameter server and Client.

2 ) In diameter is  there any kind of service which start the diameter serve=

Please reply me how to start?

3 )  I have tried for the binaries of opeddiameter But all binaries =20
gives the Error Like

[root@LINUX173 libdiameter]# ./aaa_test_server1
(4513|46912506796048) Starting diameter core
(4513|46912506796048)             Product :
(4513|46912506796048)             Version : 0
(4513|46912506796048)           Vendor Id : 0
(4513|46912506796048)  Vendor Specific Id : (4513|46912506796048)      =20
Vendor=3D--- ---
(4513|46912506796048)  Vendor Specific Id : (4513|46912506796048)      =20
Vendor=3D--- ---
(4513|46912506796048)          Dictionary :
(4513|46912506796048)            Identity :
(4513|46912506796048)               Realm :
(4513|46912506796048)          TCP Listen : 0
(4513|46912506796048)         SCTP Listen : 0
(4513|46912506796048)   Watch-Dog timeout : 0
(4513|46912506796048)            Use IPv6 : 0
(4513|46912506796048) Re-transmission Int : 0
(4513|46912506796048)    Max Re-trans Int : 0
(4513|46912506796048)    Recv Buffer Size : 2048
(4513|46912506796048) Dumping Peer Table
(4513|46912506796048)      Expire Time 0
(4513|46912506796048)                Peer : Host =3D , Port =3D 680716256, T=
LS =3D 1
(4513|46912506796048)                Peer : Host =3D , Port =3D 680716256, T=
LS =3D 1
(4513|46912506796048)                Peer : Host =3D , Port =3D 680716256, T=
LS =3D 1
(4513|46912506796048)  Dumping Route Table
(4513|46912506796048)            Exp Time : 0
(4513|46912506796048)              Route  : Realm =3D , Action =3D 0, =20
Redirect-Usage =3D 0
(4513|46912506796048)                       Application Id=3D0, Vendor=3D0
(4513|46912506796048)                          Server =3D , metric =3D 0
(4513|46912506796048)      Default Route
(4513|46912506796048)              Route  : Realm =3D , Action =3D 0, =20
Redirect-Usage =3D 0
(4513|46912506796048)                       Application Id=3D0, Vendor=3D0
(4513|46912506796048)                          Server =3D , metric =3D 0
(4513|46912506796048)            Max Sess : 0
(4513|46912506796048)  Auth Stateful Auth : stateless
(4513|46912506796048)     Auth Session(T) : 0
(4513|46912506796048)    Auth Lifetime(T) : 0
(4513|46912506796048)       Auth Grace(T) : 0
(4513|46912506796048)       Auth Abort(T) : 0
(4513|46912506796048)     Acct Session(T) : 0
(4513|46912506796048)    Acct Interim Int : 0
(4513|46912506796048)      Acct Real-Time : 0
(4513|46912506796048)           Debug Log : disabled
(4513|46912506796048)           Trace Log : disabled
(4513|46912506796048)            Info Log : disabled
(4513|46912506796048)         Console Log : disabled
(4513|46912506796048)          Syslog Log : disabled
terminate called without an active exception
[root@LINUX173 libdiameter]#

How can i solve My Problem Please Help me..?

4) Which XML file that i shoud configure for client ,server  and How =20
can i run that  XML File?

plz reply me as soon as possible.

