
#107 error joining pieces


When i download files with wxDownload Fast Version: 0.6.0
i am getting the following error on all the downloads i have attempted to download with it....

Copying file...
Finished this piece
Waiting for the other pieces...
Putting all the pieces together...
There isn't enough disk space to join the file parts.
Error joining the pieces.
Try to restart the download.

I have plenty of space on ALL drives to cover the downloaded file (even files) 10 fold.

C Partition has over 14GB free
D Drive (has wxDownload fast on it) has 28.4GB free
and T the drive my downloads are going to has over 4GB free

the system i am running has Windows XP SP2 Build 2600
DX9.0c, all current security patches. .NET runtime V3.0

System also has the following specs
-Athlon 64 3000+
-1024MB DDR Ram
-600GB HDD (1x 200GB, 1x 400GB)
-ATI 9550 256MB Graphics (with latest Catalyst drivers)


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Same here.

    Putting all the pieces together...
    There isn't enough disk space to join the file parts.
    Error joining the pieces.
    Try to restart the download.

    Athlon 64 3200+
    1.5 GB DDR Ram
    2x 80 GB disk and 1 120 GB disk

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I get the same problem.

  • parag kumar

    parag kumar - 2008-02-01

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    got the same problemm .. Athlon 64 3000+
    1024 mb RAM, 80 GB HDD
    Running Feisty Fawn 7.04 (Ubuntu)

    Also while downloading I cant see any file in the destination directory.. Why so ?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Same problem here, any idea how to solve this? the parts are the opensuse dvd with more that 4 GB. I have more than 140 GB free in the HD.

    I don't want to download this once agai. :(

    Any workaround?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    After my last post I found the workaround checking the other bugs here, the program fails to create the destination folder, make sure you create it yourself and point the program to it. Make it resume the download and it will joint the parts and move the file without issues.


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