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inductiveload Martin Valgur

Dezoomify is capable of grabbing the tile images from a Zoomify folder(s) and losslessly stitching them with jpegtran to create a single image. This script will take the URL of a page containing the Zoomify object, search for the appropriate directory path, determine the maximum zoom depth and number of tiles, then download the tiles and combine them without intervention.


You need Python 3.3 or greater to run this program.

Recent jpegtran with the "drop patch" is required to stitch the Zoomify tiles. The versions available from software repos will not work, so the Windows and Linux binaries are bundled with Dezoomify for convenience.

Using Dezoomify


If you have a problem that appears to be a bug you can leave a ticket here. You can also leave a ticket if you have feature requests or bug fixes. If you want to report a bug, please make sure you are using the right command before filing.

Disclaimer: As always, only download what is legal in your area. The authors will not be held responsible for what you do with this script.


Wiki: CommandSyntax
Wiki: TechnicalNotes
Wiki: Troubleshooting