
DevFuel.NET Application Framework / News: Recent posts

Strongly Typed DataSet Helpers, Generic Collections

As I work towards an alpha release, I have been adding some useful tidbits:

There are a whole bunch of generic collections that a C++ developer with STL skills would miss. Fortunately, many of these are available in the excellent PowerCollections library, which is now integrated.

Also, I have some hand-rolled tools to help with Strongly Typed DataSets, Property Grids, DbAdapters, and more.

Posted by 2007-12-06

SVN, WordPress, and Feeds

The SVN hosting is up, and the first rounds of code have been checked in. A release will be sure to follow closely here. I have been actively developing this code to support a client project.

Further, the WordPress powered homepage has been worked into shape. The project feeds have been aggregated into the blog there:

Posted by 2007-12-02

DevFuel.NET Hosting is Up!

Now that the DevFuel.NET project has been approved for SourceForge hosting, I will begin uploading the current code files. I plan to use the SVN services as the main code repository (as soon as they become available to this project).

With luck, an alpha release will be made available for download.

Posted by 2007-11-28