
#381 Features I miss from MS VStudio

  1. Find function wraps around. I have to do two finds
    now, forwards and backwards. Shift+F3 should find

  2. Variable watching is a nightmare. Selecting and
    hitting F4 at any step I want to know the value of
    something? If there is an option to fix this it should
    definitely be on by default. The variables on the watch
    should be updated at every step and breakpoint.

2a. The variables on the current and previous steps
should be added to the watch list automatically.

2b. Structs and arrays and such should be represented
on the variable watch list as a tree with all the
subvalues. I had a var like: bool bArr[24][24] which
was shown as: bArr: <0 repeated 100 times> -30490349
-23490.. i could not figure out what was going on. This
should've shown a tree as:
- bArr
- [0]
* [0] true
* [1] false
* [etc] false
+ [1]
+ [etc]

  1. Memory leak detection, I'm not positive that this
    isn't already a feature, but I believe I had a bug
    caused by a memory leak, but because of my problem with
    2b I really couldn't tell.

  2. F5 toggles running in debug mode, I would like an
    option to have F5 start running in debug, and if it's
    already running, continue running in debug mode.

Despite my complaints though, I love dev-cpp. Power to
the people!


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    One more:
    5. Context-sensitive "Go To Definition of <selection>" option
    I would like to be able to jump to the implementation of a
    function/macro in another file, such as one outside the
    project but #include-ed.

    Again, Dev-C++ is great!

  • greencow

    greencow - 2005-10-22

    Logged In: YES

    Wow I wrote this a while ago. Let me clarify what now looks

    2b. I just want to have that tree in the variable watch.
    Makes looking at a whole struct much easier.
    3. In VS the debug output window will put up a message if
    you've got a memory leak from an undeleted pointer or
    something. I'm not sure but this might be the most complex
    item on my list.
    4. Hitting F5 while your code is running but paused at a
    breakpoint will cause a continue (unpause).

    And a second to the followup suggestion as well. Thanks! =]

  • Martin

    Martin - 2006-01-04

    Logged In: YES

    Ctrl + F2 = set/remove
    F2 = go to the next bookmark
    Shift + F2 = go to the previous bookmark
    F4 = next error
    Shift + F4 = the previous one

    That's a lot more fast than with the mouse.

    nice greets

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Things I don't miss from MS VS...
    ... the price.
    ... the fact that lots of paid programmers aren't able to
    produce something superior to Dev-Cpp. (no disrespect
    intended here, but Dev-Cpp is free, made by a handful of
    programmers with no payment for the hard job and Dev-Cpp
    is way better than the thing from MS)
    ... things that are actually simple have to be complicated
    (or even impossible) so that nobody understands.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Things I don't miss from MS VS...
    ... the price.
    ... the fact that lots of paid programmers aren't able to
    produce something superior to Dev-Cpp. (no disrespect
    intended here, but Dev-Cpp is free, made by a handful of
    programmers with no payment for the hard job and Dev-Cpp
    is way better than the thing from MS)
    ... things that are actually simple have to be complicated
    (or even impossible) so that nobody understands.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    This is a feature request forum, not a debate on the merits
    of the various IDE's on the market. Please keep the comments

    As time passes and wisdom is accrued, I can see that these
    comments would've been more useful as seperate topic
    threads. A thread on keyboard shortcuts. A thread for
    improved variable watching and finding. Etc. This should
    make it easier to break down tasks and keep the comments
    grouped by task.

    I haven't used dev-cpp in..probably since my last comment.
    Do all my programming at work ya know? But, I'm taking a
    course in C++ this semester over the internet and my class
    is actually going to be using dev-cpp as the IDE! I love it! =]



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