
#336 WebUpdate Option to Show Unistalled Items Only


Presently, WebUpdate shows many items that are
already installed and current. E.g. Win32 API,
WxWindows DevPak, Win32 API Reference DevPak, Dev-
C++ Update debug info.

It would nice to have an option to show only those
items that are not currently installed or a installed but
an newer verision exists.



  • Marek Januszewski

    Logged In: YES

    in version webupdate is only confused abut debug
    info which was already reported. For the rest of them: I
    have win32 api, and availabe for download are either 2.2 or
    2.5 (3.1 is also there but is not shown because its
    installed). with wxwindows devpak should be the same, with
    win32 api reference I have 1.0 the situation is the same as
    with debug info. bottom line is that if the package is named
    and configured correctly this will not happen. please let me
    know if I'm wrong

  • BobbyMurcerFan

    BobbyMurcerFan - 2005-01-08

    Logged In: YES

    When I run WebUpdate, connecting to the
    server, included in the list of available updates are the

    Image Libraries DevPak 1.0
    FreeImage DevPak 3.20
    Win32 API Reference DevPak 1.0
    WxWindows DevPak 2.29
    Win32 API 3.1

    After I download, extract, install, exit Dev-C++, reboot,
    restart Dev-C++ and rerun WebUpdate, the EXACT SAME I
    files just downloaded and installed are on the list of available

    Is it possible that there is something wrong w/ my
    configuration that I can check? THANKS for your help!

  • BobbyMurcerFan

    BobbyMurcerFan - 2005-01-08

    Logged In: YES

    When I run WebUpdate, connecting to the
    server, included in the list of available updates are the

    Image Libraries DevPak 1.0
    FreeImage DevPak 3.20
    Win32 API Reference DevPak 1.0
    WxWindows DevPak 2.29
    Win32 API 3.1

    After I download, extract, install, exit Dev-C++, reboot,
    restart Dev-C++ and rerun WebUpdate, the EXACT SAME I
    files just downloaded and installed are on the list of available

    Is it possible that there is something wrong w/ my
    configuration that I can check? THANKS for your help!

  • BobbyMurcerFan

    BobbyMurcerFan - 2005-01-08

    Logged In: YES

    When I run WebUpdate, connecting to the
    server, included in the list of available updates are the

    Image Libraries DevPak 1.0
    FreeImage DevPak 3.20
    Win32 API Reference DevPak 1.0
    WxWindows DevPak 2.29
    Win32 API 3.1

    After I download, extract, install, exit Dev-C++, reboot,
    restart Dev-C++ and rerun WebUpdate, the EXACT SAME I
    files just downloaded and installed are on the list of available

    Is it possible that there is something wrong w/ my
    configuration that I can check? THANKS for your help!

  • Marek Januszewski

    Logged In: YES

    what dev-c++ version are you using?

  • BobbyMurcerFan

    BobbyMurcerFan - 2005-01-09

    Logged In: YES


  • Marek Januszewski

    Logged In: YES

    I don't know those other - they could be misconfigured,
    could you please test Win32 API 3.1 (3.2 now) one more time?
    Are you getting it from

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I'm using devpak server:

    I see Win32 API 3.1

    Selected, installed, rerun WebUpdate and it's still there.

    Close and restart Dev-C++, run WebUpdate and it's still there
    on the list of available updates.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I'm using devpak server:

    I see Win32 API 3.1

    Selected, installed, rerun WebUpdate and it's still there.

    Close and restart Dev-C++, run WebUpdate and it's still there
    on the list of available updates.

    Also, when I open Package Manager, I see a box named
    Windows32 API and the General tab says Package version 3.1.

    Thanks for the help.

  • Marek Januszewski

    Logged In: YES

    you're right. for now use devpaks server

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO


    I've spent a lot time trying to figure out how to change the
    server WebUpddate accesses. Under Select devpak server, I
    only see the following choices:

    Andreas Aberg's server

    I can't figure how to add to the list.


  • Marek Januszewski

    Logged In: YES

    on planetmirror server you should have "WebUpdate Mirrors
    list" version 2.0. If you install it you should have
    " Community Devpaks" as one of devpak servers to

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I updated the list but can't download from the
    serever. I get the following message:

    The following files were not downloaded due to errors...
    Could not start transferrirng remote file

    I've tried various combinations of Windows32 API 3.2, gcc-
    objc 3.4.2, gcc-g++ 3.4.2, gcc-core 3.4.2 and binutils
    2.15.91. I've also exited and restarted Dev-C++.

    Do you think the server is down or is it a prob w/ my install?

    Thanks again for ALL your HELP!

  • Marek Januszewski

    Logged In: YES

    mingw runtime and other mentioned updates are on this
    this the first time, but it really seems to be down. so I
    guess you should try again later.

    We'll try to fix the problem you originally reported as soon
    as possible (still it may take a while). anyway please
    report if you have similar problems with any other packages
    (downloading it and still seeing the same package and
    version in the list).

    thanks for all your help

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Thanks for all your help!

    I was able to download from and when I re-run
    WebUpdate, the list properly reflects what's on my machine
    and what's available.

    Thanks again & I hope I was able to help you find the issue
    w/ PlanetMirror's updates.

    Take care!

  • Marek Januszewski

    Logged In: YES

    if you ever see similar things to the ones in original
    report please add to this report or create a new one. thanks

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    np. Thanks again!

  • Colin Laplace

    Colin Laplace - 2005-01-13

    Logged In: YES

    Should be fixed now, thank you.


  • Marek Januszewski

    Logged In: YES

    Colin, this package needs to be redone. The version reported
    by webupdate.conf is 1.0, but the *.DevPackage says:
    so after installing it still reports that needs updating. If
    you're going to change it, I would also change the name in
    both places to be more meaningful

  • Marek Januszewski

    Logged In: YES

    I guess this one can be closed not. Please reopen if
    something's left to be done. thanks for reporting

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Thanks much for all your hard work. :)


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