
Thanks for the help DevC++ now more please!

  • Michael Jacob

    Michael Jacob - 2011-01-07

    Thanks for teaching me how to run an application in a Window.. I also have
    posted topics on the Microsoft forums but truthfully I have made the most
    progress on the DevC++ forum.
    Hopefully you will elp me with some information concerning Express Addition
    C++ 2005 and 2008. I also am studying Assembly Language along with C++.
    I downloaded ML.exe and its related files, and followed the installation
    I can't find ML.exe. in the Microsoft IDE. Once again because I am a beginner
    I'm sure its me doing something wrong or due to lack of experience.
    How do I find the Macro Assembler in the Microsoft IDE?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated

  • Steve A

    Steve A - 2011-01-10

    Microsoft no longer supports Assembly Language nor the Macro Assembler, (a
    terrible shame).
    That is why it is not in the IDE.
    This is not really the forum for Assembly Language.
    I would recommend:
    an entire forum devoted to MASM.


  • mark allyn

    mark allyn - 2011-01-10

    In addition to Steve's comment regarding the shame of MSFT's no longer
    supporting MASM, I also echo his recommendation to go to the forum.
    This forum is exceptionally user-friendly, especially for novices. I have
    personally found this group to be extremely tolerant of novice
    questions...supplying plenty of guidance and code.

    Besides MASM32 forum you should google and download the various Iczelion
    tutes. There are approximately thirty of them and they are very helpful in
    applying MASM to Windows programming.

    Good luck.

    Mark Allyn

  • Steve A

    Steve A - 2011-01-11

    Thanks for your mention of Iczelion's tutorials, Mark.
    They are among the best, if not the best.
    MASM beginners and experts alike will agree on that.

    I think there is a link to Iczelion's tutorials at the MASM32 forum, but, just
    in case:


  • Michael Jacob

    Michael Jacob - 2011-01-19

    Thanks everybody for the helpplugging away with the learning the fundamental
    Have a good day.


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