
#264 more informative "build error 1" message


I developing a socket application using winsock2, for
the actual library I'm using code in WS2_32.LIB which
is provided by Microsoft. I've configured the linker to
include this file and everything works like a charm.

Earlier today I did some cleaning up in the source
tree, moving stuff around.. trying to create some order
in there essentially. I had configured the linker
(using project options) to look in a certain dir for
the WS2_32.LIB file but after the re-arrangment that
file was no longer at the same place. This of course
caused the build process to fail..

How objection here is that dev-cpp did not produce a
single message or clue as to why it failed. It only
said "Build error 1" and then nothing more... it took
me quite some time to figure out what was going on...
should be an easy fix to add a message I guess.

Keep up the great work with dev-cpp its really a great


  • Marek Januszewski

    Logged In: YES

    You can always see compiler messages by going to compiler
    tab. There's no point to show all the possible messages why
    the compiler/linker failed, because there maybe a million
    reasons why it failed. I think it's enough if the messages
    show in compiler tab - wouldn't you agree?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    If I had known about the compiler tab I would have maybe
    agreed but I did not, unfortunated. I spent over a week
    googling for info before I understood that it was a missing
    .lib file that caused the problem. So basically I think its
    a userfriendlyness problem, the minimum change would be to
    change it into "build error 1 - check the compiler tab for
    more information".

    But ideally I would like to have a compiler/IDE that allows
    be to press RUN and then it either runs or tells me exactly
    what the problem is, with links to in-depth error messages
    and tutorials etc. This is only a dream but as of today I
    will use the compiler/IDE that comes closest to this.

    Warm Regards,
    Martin Olsson

  • Marek Januszewski

    Logged In: YES

    Dev-C++ is an IDE a wrapper for gcc as build by mingw. If
    you would like the compiler to give more messages, try
    reporting the bug to gcc. Verbosity can also be controlled -
    see the documentation.
    So what exactly is the bug?
    As with any IDE, user must familiarize him/herself with it,
    but the compiler tab is right there.


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