
#1022 Corrupted sprite graphics while using filter


While playing Pokemon Heart Gold with the HQ2XS filter enabled, all sprites will occasionally turn black (palette seems to disappear o.O), or become corrupted (think of missingno) after switching from map to map, or after leaving a battle sequence. While the sprites are corrupted, the game will crash if you attempt to enter a battle. With no rendering filter enabled, I don't seem to encounter this issue.

NOTE: Using 0.9.5 win64 build on Win 7.


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  • zeromus

    zeromus - 2010-04-13

    are you 100% sure? these are the same problems everyone has in pokemon, and i've never heard anything about filters being involved before. Can you continue playing from now on without the filter enabled to test this?

  • FauxBestaan

    FauxBestaan - 2010-04-13

    I've just played for a few hours without the filter enabled, and it's running perfectly stable (I'm using a patched HG rom, btw). I'm about to turn the filter back on and see what happens.

  • FauxBestaan

    FauxBestaan - 2010-04-13

    Just experienced the issue again with HQ2XS enabled. I'm going to disable it and repeat what I've just done to see if it happens again.

  • FauxBestaan

    FauxBestaan - 2010-04-13

    Well, I can't seem replicate it with the filter off. It was happening quite frequently with the filter enabled. I'll keep playing without the filter and report back tomorrow.

  • zeromus

    zeromus - 2010-04-14

    To encourage you to keep testing this, I will say that it is well-known that the filters are overwriting their buffers or something and maybe that is breaking things. I am just shocked that 90% of pokemon players are using filters, to such a degree that it is common knowledge that the corruption and crashes are unavoidable.

  • FauxBestaan

    FauxBestaan - 2010-04-16

    Just ran into the same problem again, this time without using any filters. It happened after handing an apricorn to Kurt.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-03-24

    Not fixed in 0.9.10.

  • zeromus

    zeromus - 2014-03-24

    dont hold your breath, this is a timing-related bug and may not be fixed for decades.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-03-24

    See attached

  • zeromus

    zeromus - 2014-03-24

    same bug as always

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-03-26

    Actually, though you seem to have an abrasive style of communication typical of a moderator on a sourceforge board, you accidently provided good information. The bug appears to be fixed by disabling bus level timing. Thank you for snark-laden assistance.

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2015-01-04

      Well, I disabled bus level timing but it happened again. I use Scanline filter... Maybe it's caused by the filter now?

      • zeromus

        zeromus - 2015-01-05

        no, it cant possibly be caused by the scanline filter. the bug is caused by very picky timing. it may appear or disappear chaotically.

  • zeromus

    zeromus - 2014-03-26

    Thanks for swimming through the snark to post your findings. Anyway, don't get too cocky, the problem may still arise. Bus level timing just changes the timing around, it doesnt really do what could be described as comprehensively improve it. So still save in-game frequently.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2016-08-03

    is there still any fix to this problem?

    • zeromus

      zeromus - 2016-08-03

      Dont savestate. Save in-game frequently and reset.

      • Anonymous

        Anonymous - 2016-08-24

        Dont know if this can help in the search but i notice that at first, the sprite goes corrupt but everthing is still playable... until you hit a loading moment (change map, enter a house, actually when the "scene" you are on changes) .. then instead of just the sprite beeing corrupt. the whole 1st display goes black (second display still works)

        • zeromus

          zeromus - 2016-08-26

          It doesn't help. The search isn't being done. The problem is known. That's the way the problem virtually always manifests. Dont savestate. Save in-game frequently and reset.

          • Anonymous

            Anonymous - 2016-09-03

            Out of curiosity, what does savestates do to make it glitch?

            • zeromus

              zeromus - 2016-09-04

              Nothing. It glitches on its own. Resetting resets it.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2017-02-09

    So.. will it never be fixed?

    • zeromus

      zeromus - 2017-02-09

      highly unlikely. don't count on it.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2017-04-25

    [Redacted by anon who knows the glitch is caused just by timing issue as it can happen in other DS emuloators, thank you have a nice day]


    Last edit: Anonymous 2019-12-12
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2017-08-05

    i had the same pb with pokemon heart gold

    • zeromus

      zeromus - 2017-08-05

      then youll have the same sln

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