
Accents in latex

  • kLy

    kLy - 2007-03-11

    How do I get an accent in latex?

    say I want é. If I typed é, I'd get a é in the .tex file, though the output to pdf would be incorrect. What can I type to get a "\'e" in the .tex file to produce the correct output?


    • Tom Link

      Tom Link - 2007-03-11

      You'd have to explain more in detail what you're doing & give examples. By default, the pdf file should contain a line \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} which should take care of this problem -- assuming the file is encoded in latin1. If it is in utf8, you'd have to define encoding=utf8.

    • kLy

      kLy - 2007-03-13

      Great! The encoding var did it, thanks! :) Awesome app, by the way! I use it almost exclusively for any document that doesn't require fancy artistic DTP stuff :)


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