
#28 allowed-hosts support wildcard in 3rd part of IP


FAQ 3.7 says:

# The first 3 parts of the IP address must be provided (eg. 1.2.3.)
# The last part of the IP address can be a wildcard.
# The wildcard can be given with an asterisk -or- as a range.

I would be great if the 3rd part of the IP address could also support a wildcard asterisk or range.



  • Joel Carter

    Joel Carter - 2009-07-09

    I agree! This would be a great feature since my trusted network is a /16 and people keep managing to get themselves denied!

  • Matthew Ruffalo

    Matthew Ruffalo - 2009-10-06

    The general solution is to allow any subnet mask to be specified as a wildcard. To maintain compatibility, entries without a subnet mask should match /32.

    For example:

    I've started to work on a patch to allow this; I might have it in a day or two.

  • Matthew Ruffalo

    Matthew Ruffalo - 2009-10-21

    I have set up an unofficial DenyHosts Git repository on github. To get the code, run

    git clone git://

    The 'master' branch contains all publicly available archives of DenyHosts, from version 0.5 to version 2.6. My changes are on the allow-hosts-mask branch, and have not been fully tested. I changed the AllowedHosts class to be a prefix tree for matching IP addresses. You can specify a long or short subnet mask as follows: (no subnet mask = match all 32 bits)

    I developed these changes in a few standalone Python files that I am working on attaching.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    The test code for the IP trie (prefix tree) implementation is available at

    The code in the archive is identical to the changes I made to Run '' from the archive to test everything.

    It tests:
    * Matching IP addresses and subnet masks with the ALLOWED_REGEX_MASK regex
    * Assuming a subnet mask length of 32 bits if no subnet mask is given
    * Counting the contiguous bits in the beginning of the subnet mask ( = 12 bits)
    * Inserting IPs into the trie
    * Verifying whether the trie contains the specified IP

  • Matthew Ruffalo

    Matthew Ruffalo - 2009-10-22

    Oops, forgot to log in before posting that comment.

  • Joel Carter

    Joel Carter - 2009-10-30

    Great! Thanks! Sorry for my ignorance, but how do patches normally get incorporated into the official repository? I'm using this on production systems so ideally I would just be able to update via my package manager but I that's a long way out I'd expect.

    At this point are you looking for people to test it out and find problems before submitting it as a potential patch for the denyhosts project? Let me know how I can help. Thanks!

  • Matthew Ruffalo

    Matthew Ruffalo - 2009-10-31

    I have no idea how patches are incorporated into the official repository (wherever that may be). Version 2.7 is apparently done, but has not yet been released. I sent a message to Phil Schwartz about this today, but haven't received a response yet.

    I have full confidence in my logic, but I'm unsure of its integration with the rest of DenyHosts. In particular, I'm sure I broke something with hostname matching in previously, it stored IPs addresses and hostnames as text keys into a Python dictionary. I'm using my changes on my server but could use more input on how well my code works.

    I also haven't read most of the DenyHosts code and I don't know if my changes follow the same style.


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