This morning got a call from a client: "all my wiki's are offline"
After initial research nothing strange except an api message, so went to the mindtouch site to check what it means, but then i noticed that was offline and also when i tried a direct link to a forum thread.

Only thing left to do, was try to find the problem myself.
Tried a few settings restarted the dekiwiki severall times, all to no prefail.
But then suddenly ..tadaaa all wiki's worked again.
I went to the mindtouch site and surprise....., also the site and forum of mindtouch worked again too.

Is this coincidence or do i really have to be afraid that everytime mindtouch has a problem with their network all my wiki's also stop working?

Maybe it is just a setting I overlooked?

I can remember in the past some idiotic developer also had a setting that if you could not connect to their site then software stopped working, is that also the case here?
Like M$ drm also same problem, you pay big money, but when the supplier ever goes down you lose your content.

I wonder if anybody else had the same problem today CET 8 a.m till almost 2P.m.

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