
#21 Other Tools


How about adding other tools to Decker?

I know this might make it complicated but how about,
say a "Password Cracker"...

You download a Password file inside the Matrix, and
then, depending on how good your Password Cracker is,
you Crack the file for someone...
And get some cash...

Tell me what you think.



  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    you meant tapeworms?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Yeah, but you download a password protected file, possibly
    from a tapeworm, then you use the P. Cracker to decrypt if
    and maybe get Upgrades, Money, etc...

  • Stephen Twigg

    Stephen Twigg - 2004-08-09

    Logged In: YES

    Isn't that just kinda like a decrypter except requiring a
    different programming???

    MAYBE instead of hiding and deceiving gates you have to
    crack their password!!!

  • Hand-E-Food

    Hand-E-Food - 2007-03-22

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Deceive is a password cracker. It tries to either resemble an authorised process or crack the password required to be an authorised process. Evaluating a password file gives you a bonus to this. As appealing as the ideais to add more to the game, realise that there are only four online classes (Attack, Defense, Analyse and Stealth) and only a limited number of programs for each for a reason. Adding more programs to a class will make it harder to upgrade than another.

    Maybe some features need to be combined:
    * Tapewormed gates which are locked until decrypted. Now that I've gone and said "don't add programs", an Encrypt program could be used on a Deceived gate to lock it. The ICE need to Decrypt or crash the gate to stop you and your nefarious deeds. Encrypt could be the same program as Decrypt.
    * Beacon ICE that ping the CPU every few seconds. If the node is Silenced, the ping fails and the CPU raises the alarm.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    well, sure, but then you can fail based on your software.
    currently, you fail if you're not careful enough, or you foolishly take on a 30% system when suited for a 5% one.
    the logical rule for this kind of mission would be that you have no idea how tough the file is, so, once you get it you can get royally screwed over by the system.


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