
DebToo - Debian powered from source / News: Recent posts

Voluteers needed

After a presentation I made at the local LUG I realised that I never really put to discution my idea in public.

Thus, I would like anybody who feels interested by the subject to subscribe to the debtoo-devel list to discuss with the design of the whole thing.

The feedback I got was very encouraging as I saw people really interested in the topic. It made me think that is better to think better how will I organise and specify the dynamic dependencies of packages.... read more

Posted by EddyP 2006-07-23

srcinst - a shoulder to rely on

Some days ago the srcinst tool written by John Goerzen has gotten my attention. It seems that it is possible to install fully from source using srcinst.

The good news is that is written in Haskell and it seems that I have already understood how is working although I have no Haskell knowledge.

Also, I think I even found the place where I need to change the sources to add the capability to patch the sources before they are built.... read more

Posted by EddyP 2006-05-06

Subversion repository loaded

The subversion repository has been injected with the work done before creating the project on

There are some simple files in the doc directory that descibe what should the debtoo toolchain contain.

Posted by EddyP 2006-05-06