
#3 Hibernate

Mouse (2)

DDMM won't recognise screen changes when the computer wakes up from hibernation. I think this'll be easy to fix by listening for a hibernation resume event.

this.CF_Event_powerModeChanged += new Microsoft.Win32.PowerModeChangedEventHandler(power ModeChanged);

For the mode argument see:


  • Joolee

    Joolee - 2010-06-10

    (The bug was posted by me)
    It seems that the problem occurs after recovering from hibernation with a bigger screen attached than when the computer was put in hibernation

    The actual problem is that the mouse cursor jumps back to the location the smaller screen stopped when touching the edges of the big screen (right and bottom)

    My situation:
    Win 7 64 bit
    Laptop screen used as second monitor on the left side next to a bigger primary monitor. Problem occurs when the laptop has been used without dual screen and put in hibernate.

  • William B.

    William B. - 2010-07-26

    I saw the same behavior when you put the computer to sleep mode in one configuration and wake it up in another (for example, closing the laptop lid when it's docked with another display, and opening it when it's undocked).

    The current workaround is to press Alt-Tab (program switch) that would automatically adjust the boundaries. I'll fix it in the next release, hopefully within a month. A LOT of changes and not much time to work on them...

  • William B.

    William B. - 2010-07-26
    • milestone: --> Bugs
    • priority: 5 --> 9
    • assigned_to: nobody --> jackr1

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