
dcflash / News: Recent posts

Tutorial Uploaded: Shape Basics

This tutorial deals with the fundamentals of using the Line, Shape and Gradient class, and should be a first stop for users of the library.

Posted by Darren Cook 2006-12-22

dcflash 0.1.0: No Longer Vapourware!

It has taken literally years since the first steps to release my Flash charting code as open source, but finally the first set of files are ready. There are still more classes to donate to the project but this release is being done now as these initial classes are enough to do real work with.

This first release contains AS2 classes for pie charts (including 3D pie charts with transparency support), node graphs, statistics (with a finance industry focus), and a few support classes. The statistics class is also available in javascript.... read more

Posted by Darren Cook 2006-11-30