
DccAssist / News: Recent posts

New DccAssist Developer

Thanks to our new and second developer, Morph66, DccAssist is moving along quite nicely now. A new release is planned in the coming weeks built upon a new architecture. Keep checking back, its gonna be great...

Posted by Red Krane 2004-09-11

Latest DccAssist release 1.9

This new release adds search functionality to PacketWatch as well as other aesthetic and window control improvements. The program as a whole is much more stable now at startup and exit. This will be the last beta release before the stable version 2.0 comes out.

Posted by Red Krane 2004-05-13

Great new release of DccAssist, v. 1.8.

This new release of DccAssist is the last beta release. It includes all the original tracking of packets from queue time to transfer completion, as well as the new Packet Watch module. This module scans and organizes all listed packets for channels you're in, and allows you to download with a single click. Check it out.

Posted by Red Krane 2004-05-02