i have been using dCam for about 6 months as a way of watching my daughter in her cot whilst i work on the laptop.

We just came home to find our house burgled, and i was kind of wondering if there is a way of saving every picture (5sec interval) into a folder (by date) then archiving them in a month folder.

Sounds confusing, but, one days worth of images to be stored in the date folder (eg 22nd) in a folder of the month (eg May) in another folder for the year.

Hard drive space isn't a problem, i am well aware that one day of recording will be around 200M.

I just want some peace of mind for next time, as the pc was left behind along with the webcams, but the maggots took the xbox, games, laptops and jewellery.

Failing this proggie, i will have to go back to linux and 'zoneminder'.