
backend slowing my computer

  • Nobody/Anonymous


    SO I insstaled dc-qt .2 alpha, and after running and configuring it, my hard disk started working (no download / uploads active) if i run top I can see a backend eating lots' of CPU,
    What exactly is going on, does he make hasing of my share ? how long does it take, and where can I see the progress ?

    Thank for reading this, and have a nice  day,

    • Rikard Björklind

      Yes, it is hashing. How long it takes depend on how much you share, but normaly it takes about 10-30 minutes. If you are running the GUI, you should get a progress bar that shows what is going on. Or maybe that's a bug in alpha, I dont remember. It is fixed in SVN though.

    • Nobody/Anonymous


      The progress bar is not in the alpha release, I will get the SVN now that you told me,

      Have a nice day,


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