
DbTomsWiki / News: Recent posts

Updated CVS

CVS was updated with the latest development version. I started to integrate Log4Net for logging errors, changed the database model to support comments, page versions and ratings, integrate DotLucene for fulltext searchs instead of searchs via sql and implement transaction control for the database access.

A new zip file with version 1.0.1 is comming soon.

Posted by Thomas Trefz 2005-03-12

First version uploaded

A first alpha version of DbTomsWiki is now available for download. You have to install the database with a script found in the database folder. The Microsoft SQL Server provider should work as expcted.

Posted by Thomas Trefz 2005-03-06

Project is online

The project is online. That's great news. Give me some time to setup the trackers, forum, mailing-lists, tasklist and upload some files (like a road map)

Posted by Thomas Trefz 2005-03-01