
Upcoming Features > r18

Plug-in Support

Plug-in support has been the main focus of the current development for DBST. The next, upcoming release of DBST makes use of Qt 5.2, which allows us to design a plug-in system that greatly surpasses the one we had previously. C++ knowledge may be useful to have when designing plug-ins for this version, but it is not required! Plug-ins will be made up of merely QML and JavaScript. This is not as limiting as it may come off as at first. Indeed, Qt 5.2 has many great improvements to the Qt QML module, and the JavaScript portion will have access to jQuery (+UI), Twitter Bootstrap, URI, and more.

Versemark plug-in

The Versemark plug-in allows users to bookmark verses based on "topics." Topics can be about anything, but their purpose is for organizing your versemarks. (A "Default" topic is provided to start you off in using the plug-in.) You can bookmark a verse simply by clicking on the bookmark icon next to the verse.

Parallel Verses plug-in

If you ever wanted to view verses from multiple Bible translations displayed in parallel in the same view, the Parallel Verses plug-in just might be what you're looking for. You can load and unload verses from multiple Bibles in your library with this plug-in.

Misc. Changes

Some minor UI changes and bug fixes are introduced here. UI changes concern implementing styles for some UI elements that didn't have a proper style to it; module text rendering has a slight change to it to make it more readable, which may not be noticeable (ha! ha! sweating the small stuff!); and other, missing functionality that "intuition" implies that it should be there (e.g. search results can now be double-clicked to navigate to the chapter of the result, etc...).


Some basic documentation is provided just in case certain functionality is not clear from its design.

Posted by truefusion 2014-01-10 Labels: greater than r18 features

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