


Welcome to DBPlot!

DBPlot is a great tool to quickly visualize data. DBPlot supports MsSQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and CSV files with drag-drop and data type inference capabilities (see Wiki for details).

The wiki uses Markdown syntax.

Project Admins:


  • DBPlot

    DBPlot - 2012-07-09

    Bug fixes (07/09/12):
    - NullReference when right click on tree nodes
    - Default Font Style does not exist
    - Exception when add new query tab page


    Last edit: DBPlot 2012-07-10
  • DBPlot

    DBPlot - 2012-10-07

    New features (10/07/12):
    - cut & paste (CTRL+C) (CTRL+V)
    - When installing a new version, no need to remove the previous version, now you can override the previous version
    - Drag & drop csv to the connection tree
    - Since from now on DBPlot doesn't require admin privilege to run, please make sure that the "ProgramData\DBPlot" folder has read/write permission for all users or delete it before installing this version.
    - Syntax highlighting for SQL editor
    - Add Uninstall script and override function when installing a new version

    Bug fixes (10/07/12):
    - Default connections and database removed
    - Remove database connection menu context when click on file connection
    - Remove database schema menu context when click on file fields


    Last edit: DBPlot 2012-10-07
  • DBPlot

    DBPlot - 2013-02-28

    Changes 09/01/13
    - Copy & paste capability
    - Drag & drop csv to connection tree
    - SQL syntax highlighting
    - Data regression for the first serie in plot
    - Support secondary Y axis
    - Store and reload plot with all features
    - Auto-remove double quotes and single quotes for data in CSV files

  • DBPlot

    DBPlot - 2013-02-28

    Changes 02/25/13:
    ***Before upgrade: this upgrade will remove all of previous settings & connections due to change in setting files format
    - Support MsSQL
    - Support SQLite (drag&drop)
    - Add settings for chart (Use custom property grid at
    - Order Database, Table, Views, Routines (Stored Procedure), Columns by alphabet for all DBMS except CSV
    - Select views & stored procedures are on new tabs
    - Add Refresh button to refresh active chart
    - Add OpenConnection option to context menu for database connections
    - Fix bug for the case that users don't have access to a certain database
    - Change program version in about box to be the same as installer version
    - Fix other minor bugs
    - Refactor NewConnection & OpenConnection windows

  • DBPlot

    DBPlot - 2013-03-05

    Changes 03/04/13 (v2.1.0):
    - Support PostgreSQL
    - Add double-click for SQLite to display column name
    - Add close query tabs function
    - Fix a bug when 2 tables have the same name on 2 different databases that cause display all column names in both tables


    Last edit: DBPlot 2013-08-25
  • DBPlot

    DBPlot - 2013-08-25

    Changes 08/25/2013 (v2.2.0):
    - Add Query history console (query status, query, query time, fetch time)
    - Add "Close All But Active" and "Close All" for query tab control
    - Update SQLite DLLs


    Last edit: DBPlot 2013-08-25
  • DBPlot

    DBPlot - 2013-11-27

    Changes 11/27/2013 (v2.3.0)
    Add number of records returned by SELECT queries.
    Add checks and error handlers for cases that SQLite/CSV files do not exist
    Add FullScreen feature for DataGrid
    Using Windows Authentication for MSSQL
    Add "start time" to the query console
    Auto scrolldown to the latest row added to the query console
    Add with/without option for csv exporting

  • DBPlot

    DBPlot - 2014-01-16

    Changes 01/15/2014 (v2.4.2)
    Fix a bug with drag-and-drop csv files to connection panel
    Add "New Query" button in the query control toolbar
    Improve memory usage by unsubscribing main form from query controls' events when they are closing
    Report feature for CSV files


    Last edit: DBPlot 2014-01-16
  • DBPlot

    DBPlot - 2014-01-16

    Changes 01/16/2014 (v2.4.3)
    Improve event handler for report panel
    Add remove report to the context menu
    Error checking to make sure there is no duplicate report name
    Error checking to make sure users input IndVar1 and DepVars1


    Last edit: DBPlot 2014-01-16
  • DBPlot

    DBPlot - 2014-01-17

    Changes 01/17/2014 (v2.4.4)
    Remove default limit from report feature
    Fix a bug that negative numbers have "-" sign after the values
    Add a label to show Y2 value
    Polist chart if both 2 Y axes are used

  • DBPlot

    DBPlot - 2014-01-19

    Changes 01/18/2014 (v2.4.5)
    Bring the connection panel to the front show it is not partly hidden by the report panel
    If the localCulture is not en-US or fr-FR, force the language to en-US. This fix the bug with "Customize" button in the graph page

  • DBPlot

    DBPlot - 2014-02-26

    Changes 02/25/2014 (v2.4.7)
    Add store password feature
    Add a temporary setting to fix Y2 when zooming


    Last edit: DBPlot 2014-02-26
  • DBPlot

    DBPlot - 2014-03-12

    Changes 03/13/2014 (v2.4.8)
    Fix a bug when adding a new connection w/o a password
    Fix a bug to open a sqlite connection

  • DBPlot

    DBPlot - 2014-04-10

    Changes 04/10/2014 (v2.5.0)
    1. New features:
    Report: Simple Database report
    Add "New Report" to report context menu
    2. Improvements:
    SQLite: explicitly use column names instead of using "*" when generating selecting new data. This prevents exceptions when there are unexpected datatypes in SQLite files.
    GUI: Auto size forms to fit their inner content
    GUI: Other GUI and code improvements
    3. Bug Fix:
    Reshow icons in the connection panel
    4. Refactor code for performance


    Last edit: DBPlot 2014-04-10
  • DBPlot

    DBPlot - 2014-04-16

    Changes 04/15/2014 (v2.5.1)
    - Improvements:
    + Left double click will display the data.
    + Add "Show Columns..." feature to display the column headers in the CSVs or data tables
    - Bug Fix:
    + Fix MS SQL Server authentication mode

  • DBPlot

    DBPlot - 2014-04-21

    Changes 04/21/2014 (v2.5.3)
    - Improvements:
    + Remove query pane from the graph page
    + Add X, Y1, Y2 labels for display coordinates
    + Change term: "connection" -> "data source"
    - Bug Fix:
    + Report: when running a csv report, no datasource and connection are displayed in the query panel
    + Report feature: Disable Y1 variables if they are selected in Y2 menu

  • gian marco melosu

    I find your tool very useful. Im using it to plot CSV files that are current measurements of my Device under test.
    The possibility to zoom a certain region of the graph is fantastic but it would be great if I could calculte for example average value (and maybe min and max) of the only Selected (zoomed) windows.

    do you know if it is possible?

    thanks a lot

  • DBPlot

    DBPlot - 2016-03-02

    Thanks for using the tool Gmarco. The max & min & avg are not available at the moment. Hopefully I could do it in the next version.


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