
DataBase Migration Tool / News: Recent posts

Versin 1.1 de DBMT lista

Una nueva versin de DataBase Migration Tool esta disponible. Gracias a Piotr Malecki autor de los cambios.

Release notes:

Posted by Alberto Molpeceres 2003-11-14

DBMT 1.1 is out

A new version from DataBase Migration Tool is out. Thanks to Piotr Malecki author of the changes.

Release notes:

Posted by Alberto Molpeceres 2003-11-14

Primera versin de DBMT

DBMT (DataBase Migration Tool) es una programa de Java que te ayudar a migrar los datos de un esquema de base de datos a otro va JDBC.
Se configura por medio de un sencillo fichero XML.

Posted by Alberto Molpeceres 2003-02-23

Initial Release of DBMT

DBMT (DataBase Migration Tool) is a java program to migrate data from one DB Schema to other one via JDBC.
It's configure with a very simple XML file.

Posted by Alberto Molpeceres 2003-02-23