
0.9.7 Code Feeze

As of 1am, the cvs tree for 0.9.7 is frozen. Expect a release soemtimes this week. It may take a few days because I will be updating the docs, webpage, and creating a dbaudiolib API reference.

Thanks to Simon Werner for putting together the exmixer circuit diagrams and associated dbmixer patches. His work raises this release to a Whole Other Level (tm by somebody). And the professional nature of his readme has embarrassed me into updating all of my docs.

Main features for 0.9.8:
- icecast support
- dbplaylist - a single playlist for controlling multiple xmms sessions
- network support - TCP or UDP streaming down to that linux box you always wanted to hook up to your living room stereo.


Posted by Robert Michael S Dean 2001-02-20

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