
DBIx::Browse / News: Recent posts

Better example script

The examples directory has been improved with a more detailed description and "installation" instructions of the DemoDBIxBrowse script.

Posted by Evilio del Rio 2002-03-06

New major release

The module contains now two diferent classes: DBIx::Browse where all code is related to DBI only (prepare, count, insert, update, etc.), and DBIx::Browse::CGI where there is the CGI part (list_form, edit_form, etc.).

Posted by Evilio del Rio 2002-03-06

Bug fixed

Bug fixed with field names in "Edit" page.

Posted by Evilio del Rio 2002-02-27

First alpha release

Version 1.23 is the first available version of DBIx::Browse (also submitted to CPAN and Freshmeat).

Posted by Evilio del Rio 2002-02-27