mike - 2007-11-01

Hi, I'm fairly new to dbases but only to the extent that I absolutely cannot believe any db administrator works without a product like dbdesigner fork (nee 4) so thanks for your great work. 

That said, I've created a model (started with 4 before finding fork) that I saved progressively as 1_01, 1_02 etc.  (I note there is a versioning box/option in fork but haven't figured it out yet if anyone wants to point me in the correct direction).

But my main query is that tried synchronizing with the mysql 5 dbase on the same machine (but it through circular relationship error messages).  I then saved 1_04 and immediately saved 1_05 from which to continue but the second save threw an error (I can't remember what exactly). 

Regardless, attempts to open either 4 or 5 throw a "List index is out of bounds (10)" error which upon clicking OK comes up again (for each of the 75 tables in the model????) and essentially crashes the fork program.

1_03 opens no problem though. 

Any idea why/what the problem/solution is? 

Also, any guidance on how to address the circular references issue (I understand via web searches what a circular reference is but don't feel I have done it in my model though I need to now go back through it.  Obviously if found I can remedy but in conceptual ERD terms is it accurate to say there never should be a circular connection between any series of tables?)

Again, thanks in advance, love the product
