
#609 Can't read shared calenders having permission "Limited Details" or "Availability Only"


we are running an Exchange Server 2013 (I guess its version 15.0.x) and I'm having problems with reading calenders where I have only the permissions "Limited Details" or "Availability Only" (e.g. "Full Details" works perfectly). Attached is an excerpt of the davmail log. I hope its useful, if not I'm happy to provide more if someone can tell me what to try.

1 Attachments


  • Mickael Guessant

    As the error states: ErrorFolderNotFound, I guess this is a server side issue : Exchange does not allow access to those folders over EWS.

    You can check this in EWSEditor

  • Herbert Meier

    Herbert Meier - 2015-11-28

    Thanks for the response, I will check with EWSeditor. But how is e.g. able to access these calendars?

    Edit: you are right, EWSeditor is also not able to access the calendar for "Limited Details" or "Availability Only"


    Last edit: Herbert Meier 2015-11-28
  • Mickael Guessant

    Thanks for your feedback, can you get a request log for the Ericsson client to understand the difference ?

    • Herbert Meier

      Herbert Meier - 2016-03-12

      In Thunderbird (with the above mentioned plugin installed), I enabled in the genereal settings (Edit-> Preferences -> Exchange(EWS)-> Communication with exchange server ) the logging. It contains a lot of private information and HTTP headers but unfortunately, I'm not an expert so I don't know which part could be interesting for you.
      May I kindly ask you give it a try and check the logs with your own server?

      If the data provided by the log is not sufficient, please tell me and I will try to intercept some of the SSL traffic using self-signed certificates and wireshark etc.

      Thanks in advance and I'm looking forward to your reply.

  • Mickael Guessant

    I don't need any private info, just the way it gets the target folderId:

    • DavMail sends a GetFolder request to get <t:DistinguishedFolderId Id="calendar"> (default calendar)
    • What kind of GetFolder request do you see in your other client ?
  • Mickael Guessant

    • status: open --> closed-out-of-date
  • Mickael Guessant

    log is no longer available


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