
How to mount several webdav file storages?

  • Juergen Wemheuer

    Mounting a single webdav server works fine:
    First I put the appropriate certificate.pem for the german "Strato HiDrive" into davfs/certs and mounting succeeded without asking  - great!
    Then I concatenated a second thawte-pem for "1und1" and mounted successfully. Thus I have one pem file and I can mount two webdav drives - wonderful!

    Now the problem is with concatenating one more webdav drive offered by t-online (25 GByte free storage).
    Collecting the three necassary .crt files (a primary verisign CA, another cert and a server-cert "") and concatenating them in one single .pem file works! I can mount the t-online storage.

    So I think I have the matching certificates for each of the desired webdav storages. But when I try to combine all the five certs in one single pem, it fails.

    Is there a limitation in the number of certs I can concatenate in one single .pem file or is there another thing I should mention? Is the order of the certifications in the pem-file important?
    Well, I could try and write a script that mounts two drives, then renames the pem files and mounts the third drive - but that isnt really the way I wanted to do it. Is there another way to solve this problem?

    Many thanks for some helpful ideas…

  • Chris Deburg

    Chris Deburg - 2012-04-21

    Can you please post what certificate did you use to get the Strato hidrive work without that annoying prompt?

    Or if not to much trouble maybe you cansed it via email


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-04-27

    China in October 2006 the Hertz Corporation changed its name to Kyocera KBS Hertz Corporation was established in China in December 2006 Kyocera Franck Muller Dior management consulting (Shanghai) Ltd in April 2007, Honorary President of Maurice Lacroix inamorikazuo attended welcome luncheon of the Wen Jiabao Prime Minister to visit Japan in September 2007 and KDDI Corporation, Intel Corporation, East Japan railway company and Corporation, Daiwa Securities Group


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