
davfs2 no can write

  • Charlie Smith

    Charlie Smith - 2006-05-24

    I Followed instructions in README file of davfs2-0.2.8
    To get this to work. Directory mounted. However, still readonly.


    • Werner Baumann

      Werner Baumann - 2006-05-25

      Hello Charlie,

      does your webserver allow writing?

      If you are sure it does, please send a proper error report. You know: version numbers, what did you really do (everybody "Followed instructions in README file", but not everybody understands the README file the same way), logfile entries, error messages (the exact words).


      • Charlie Smith

        Charlie Smith - 2006-05-25

        Yes. Webserver allows writing. I've opened a TAR with Oracle on this problem.

        Ok. Made and installed neon v 0.24.7 and davfs 0.2.8 (stable)

        Try 16:
        I am not a coward and accept the certificate anyway [y,N]? y
        Tried creating a file test.txt in directory with touch and vi.
        RE: Neither worked.

        Try 15: try mouting with rw permissions:
        RE: Still not able to create file.

        Try 18:
        I put following entry in fstab per README file in davfs install area.
        This worked to get mounted as well.
        Still can’t write to dir however.

        Try 19: mount as user rather than root.  Followed instructions in README file
        To get this to work. Directory mounted. However, still readonly.

        • Charlie Smith

          Charlie Smith - 2006-05-25

          Here is the reply when touching a file in newly mounted webdav dir:
          touch: setting times of `test.txt': No such file or directory

    • Werner Baumann

      Werner Baumann - 2006-05-26

      Hello Charlie,

      please search the webserver log files for entries that document access from the davfs2 client. If there are no such entries, please log the network traffic between client and server with ethereal or tcpdump.
      You may remove any usernames and passwords from this log before you send it.

      What does "I've opened a TAR with Oracle on this problem" mean in clear?


      • Charlie Smith

        Charlie Smith - 2006-05-26

        Because Oracle supplies the application server - Oracle Portal 10G, they offer support on problems with accessing the site. So I opened a ticket (TAR) with them.

        Here are the log entries.
        [Fri May 26 08:23:51 2006] [info] got an event: IAS/PM/PROC_READY
        [Fri May 26 08:24:05 2006] [error] [client] [ecid: 85299435026,1] ORA-25153: Temporary Tablespace is Empty
        [Fri May 26 08:24:16 2006] [info] got an event:

        access_log: - - [26/May/2006:08:24:05 -0600] "LOCK /dav_portal/portal/DOCUMENTS/fch1/test.txt HTTP/1.1" 200 450 - - [26/May/2006:08:24:05 -0600] "PUT /dav_portal/portal/DOCUMENTS/fch1/test.txt HTTP/1.1" 404 374 - - [26/May/2006:08:24:05 -0600] "UNLOCK /dav_portal/portal/DOCUMENTS/fch1/test.txt HTTP/1.1" 204 0 - - [26/May/2006:08:24:05 -0600] "PROPFIND /dav_portal/portal/DOCUMENTS/fch1/test.txt/ HTTP/1.1" 404 375 - - [26/May/2006:08:24:06 -0600] "PROPFIND /dav_portal/portal/DOCUMENTS/fch1/test.txt HTTP/1.1" 404 374

        Here is stdout from command
        touch test.txt:

        touch: setting times of `test.txt': No such file or directory

      • Charlie Smith

        Charlie Smith - 2006-05-26

        I added a temp file for the temp tablespace, after doing a little R&D on the oracle error ORA-25153: Temporary Tablespace is Empty.

        Tried touching file on QA instance from dev box again using davfs2. This time was successful!!!

        Copied two .html files from /tmp dir on dev box to webdav folder -
        point.html and toolkit.html. RE: Success!!
        I then moved them from the fch1 dir to the newdir1 directory. RE: Success

        Thanks for the idea of looking at the log files.



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