
#73 Documentation error in the README file, bin distro

etc (4)

Very simple question

At line 288, under the paragraph "System wide configuration", the location of the davfs2.conf file is specified as /etc/davfs2, and not as /usr/local/etc/davfs2. Because of this, I had some problems.
No config file was founded by the daemon, so it tried to use a proxy, named just "http:", and the mount operation obviously failed.
First, I did a forced "nouseproxy", and the things started working. Then, I was able to solve the problem checking the manpages, which report the right position for the configuration file.

By the way, it seems that there is a little mistake also in the manpages, under the "CACHING" paragraph. You specified two time the same file (/usr/local/etc/davfs2/davfs2.conf) instead of, I think, at least one entry for /usr/local/etc/davfs2/secrets.


  • Werner Baumann

    Werner Baumann - 2007-02-27
    • assigned_to: nobody --> wbaumann
    • status: open --> open-later
  • Werner Baumann

    Werner Baumann - 2007-02-27

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Thanks for the report.
    The errors will be corrected in the next release (but maybe there will be new errors, because there will be a lot of changes).
    In the man page, caching paragraph, only davfs2.conf should have been mentioned, but only one time.


  • Werner Baumann

    Werner Baumann - 2007-04-07
    • status: open-later --> closed-fixed

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