
#163 Cannot see all tables


I created a simple report using data from a view in a
SQL Server 2000 database. It worked without
problems. Several weeks later, when I tried to load
the report, DataVision reported that it could not find
one of the fields, although I quickly determined that
it actually could not see the view at all or any
views/tables except one. The one exception was a
newly created table owned by the same SQL Server
account used for the DataVision connection. All other
views and tables were owned by dbo. When I changed
the owner of this new table to dbo and reloaded the
report, it worked and DataVision now can see all the
views and tables again. The SQL Server account is in
the dbo group and therefore has permissions to see all
the views/tables.

Interestingly, when I changed this table to be owned
by yet another account (expecting that DataVision
would no longer be able to see it), it still
appeared. The pattern seems to be that if any
views/tables are owned by the account DataVision is
using, only those views/tables appear. If not, all
views/tables appear.

This does not appear to be a JDBC issue. Another
application using the same driver can see all the


  • Jim Menard

    Jim Menard - 2006-07-31
    • assigned_to: jmenard --> nobody
  • Frank W. Zammetti

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    I'm inclined to think this is a SQL Server issue (or JDBC issue, although I agree it doesn't seem like that's the case). I say that based on two things... first, the fact that the report worked initially until you made the change, and second, DV is obviously working at a level above the database, abstracted away from it by JDBC, so it just doesn't seem logical to think the issue is anything but the RDBMS itself or JDBC somehow. I'm going to leave this open for the time being, but unless someone can replicate this, I for one am willing to chalk it up to SQL Server just not playing nice under some very specific circumstances. My intention is to close that as "works for me", or "won't fix", unless somsone chimes in differently... I'll give it a few weeks in any case.

  • Frank W. Zammetti

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    As per my last comment, I'm closing this... I've received no further communication on it, so I'll go with the assumption I outlined last time.

  • Frank W. Zammetti

    • status: open --> closed-works-for-me

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