

Paul J. Morris

Applications to support the efficient capture of data from natural science collections specimens (particularly entomological collections), by facilitating pre-capture of data reflecting the storage structure of the collection, imaging of the specimens to separate data capture from specimen handling, and community sourcing transcription of hand written label data. Designed and written by a team at the Museum of Comparative Zoology. Includes a PreCapture barcode application refactored from this code base with support from the US National Science Foundation ADBC TCN for New England Vascular Plants NSF #1208835

PreCapture Application

Application for creating machine and human readable labels for storage containers (folders, unit trays, etc.) for inclusion in images during a subsequent data capture phase.

User Documentation: [PreCapture Application]

DataShot Thick Client

Local application for creating database records by processing images and for label data transcription from images.

Setup: [Thick Client Installation]

Using DataShot: [Thick Client User Documentation]

DataShot Web Application

Community Sourcing application for label data transcription.


Screenshot thumbnail
Entering container label data in the PreCapture application.
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Specimen data transcription screen in the thick Java client
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Image template editor in the thick Java client.
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An example container label produced by the PreCapture app.
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Selecting a label as a region of interest in the web app.

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Wiki: PreCapture Application
Wiki: Thick Client Installation
Wiki: Thick Client User Documentation