
Author name reversed in 3.9

  • Mannikin

    Mannikin - 2010-12-27

    After installing 3.9 and restoring the DB, the author list in the book module is sorted by first name, not last name. It is still set to "order by last name" and "Last Name, First Name" in the General Settings.
    Is there an easy way to undo that?

  • Robert Jan van der Waals

    Somehow I missed this entirely. This will be fixed in one of the next versions. It is not working at all at the moment.

    Sorry for the inconvenience,

  • iro-de

    iro-de - 2011-01-21

    Looks like even the option in the "General Settings" has now been removed with 3.9.2 …. I am also hoping for a solution, because the sort sequence is really odd with first names first

  • Quill

    Quill - 2011-05-16

    I am having the same trouble.
    Sorting by first name only.

    Is there a fix?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-06-02

    I'm using 3.9.7, and so far am not sure how to sort by author's last name. If there's a fix, please let us know! Thanks!

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2011-06-02

    A. Just realised my forum name is a web address. 0_o

    B. I believe I have found a workaround: DC seems to be parsing the Author's Name field, and not the Author's First Name or Author's Last Name fields. Basically, if you have an author in the Author's Name field listed as, for example, J. R. R. Tolkien, (so it'll sort him into the 'J's currently), it can be changed to "Tolkien, J. R. R.". This will slot him where he belongs, into the 'T's.

    I hope this helps some. It's really time-consuming to make work, but it seems to be a viable workaround in the current version.


  • Robert Jan van der Waals


    I am still working on a good solution for this. It will definitely be part of the next release.


  • Robert Jan van der Waals


    See the change log of the latest version; 3.9.8. I have reversed the names in this version to read "Lastname, Firstname". Additionally the names are no always sorted on the name field (there was a difference between the quick view and the item form). There is now also a distinction between persons and companies. For each record you can indicate if this is a person or a company. For companies the name is left as is and the first and lastnames fields are left blank.


  • Mannikin

    Mannikin - 2011-06-17

    Still cannot figure out how to sort my authors by last name. When I inspected the author records after installing 3.9.8, I found that all of them had the Company/Organization box checked. The Firstname and Lastname entries were correct. The Name field was Firstname_Lastname. Sorting was still done by first name, even after the Company box was unchecked.. The only way to sort by last name is to change the Name field for every author to Lastname, Firstname. There must be an easier way?

  • Mannikin

    Mannikin - 2011-06-19

    Hooray, the authors are listed correctly in v3.9.9 and the reports can be sorted by last name.

    Thanks, Robert.

  • B. Winkeler

    B. Winkeler - 2013-01-16

    Hi Robert,
    in 3.9.17 books are still sorted by firstname; does this mean that v3.9.9 is the only version with correct sort order?
    The problem is: I now all my authors (over 1500) last names but not always their first names.

  • Robert Jan van der Waals


    Use Tools > Name Rewriter in the author module. Names will align to your settings after this.


  • Edward Bourke

    Edward Bourke - 2013-01-25

    3.9.18 Backup does not finish.
    Sort books author using rewriter last name first does not work. Author sorts by first name.

  • Robert Jan van der Waals

    Very useful comments, thank you so much. Was it stated that this was changed in this version? No, right....

  • Edward Bourke

    Edward Bourke - 2013-01-31

    Ver 3.9.19 Backup does not state it is finished backing up. Is this ok? Is the backup completed?

  • Robert Jan van der Waals

    See the other thread ( Especially the last comment. I think you chose the installation folder as the user folder which will cause the restore process to fail.


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