
Best way to do what i want and a possible bug

  • nick reader

    nick reader - 2009-07-15

    I have large collections of everything and i want them on my database.
    The problen is when i backup my database (and i have put a small amound of my data) a large file is created.
    I can see that in the future i will have problem.
    Whats the best way to fix a database who has all categories(movies+software+books etc) and a database for each category (just for books or just for games) with the minimum effort.
    I have try to create a new database but when i backup...everything is backup and its slow.

    Now for the possible bug.
    My database has a pasword.
    When i create a new database then i can login,and i can make a backup of everything.
    If you restore then it asks again the password.But somebody can actually  take my backup file who has everything and maybe unlock it? I dont know this stuff maybe its nothing important.

    And one last thing...where can i see witch database am i working right now (i have made several test1,test2 etc.) and when im restoring what database am i working?

    Thx in advance.
    Great project

    • Robert Jan van der Waals


      1) What is the definition of a large backup file? Mine is about 500 MB's and I have a rather extensive collection. How big is yours and why the worry about having a large file. In case you want to write the backup file to a medium you could always archive it to a set of DVD's (in case it's really large, which I doubt).
      2) There is no split functionality within Data Crow. You could extract all the information to a CVS file and re-import it using the migration tool. This is however far from optimal and I would not choose to do it this way. The second option is to use the HSQL manager and tools to migration the information to a seperate database. This is not something I can support.
      3) The backup&restore functionality is only available to administrators and you do not to be logged in with the current credentials. If you restore a database not containing the current users you would not have to log in to the application. The restore is "as is"; it applies the situation that was backed up.
      4) This information is not displayed within Data Crow. Good point though! However you can see the database you are working on by the shortcut you have created.

      Robert Jan

      Robert Jan


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