
DataBind 0.4 Released

Version 0.4 of DataBind is now available at .

DataBind is a library to simplify the persistance of Java objects to a datastore. A datastore may be a relational database, XML files, or any other type of datastore. Java objects which are persisted do not need to be modified in any way. The only requirement for persisted objects is that they have read and write methods for each field that you would like to persist.

Added readConfiguration(Reader reader) method to BinderManager. All other readConfiguration methods now call this one. Added readConfiguration(String filename) convenience method to BinderManager. Added documentation about SearchElements. Removed writeConfiguration() and write() methods from Binder. Removed all write() methods from Binder implementations. Used EdenLib classes wherever possible. Upgraded to EdenLib 1.0b1. Added all JavaDoc documentation.

Please send all questions and comments to

Posted by Anthony Eden 2001-12-15

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