Foolevil - 2007-12-09

I´ve used Wiiremote to control Native Instruments Reaktor software as guitar amp/effects emulator + digital mashup.
I had Wiimote taped to my guitar – and I felt like Hendrix in Woodstock.
In the middle of night after 10 hours of tweeking it together and playing guitar you had to move around to do effects
(I had configured things like: neck up = echo on, roll it and you do filter like leslie and so).

I almost crashed some furniture, usually I dont need room space more than something to sit on.

I did try that last summer with Wiimote 0.1. It was too unstable and tended to lose bluetooth signal, so I left it.
Now I noticed new version, downloaded it and it seemed to work ok.
NI Reaktor itself is very non-(Mac)stadard software and theres few options:

- use Wiimote to emulate keyboard --> Reaktor. Reaktor can do midi from computer keyboard BUT its not very clever that way.
- use Wiimote to emulate keyboard into Live6 to control Reaktor as VST. Yes, its complicated.

I would rather have Wiimote sending MIDI controller, or  notes to Reaktor.

Of course, theres Osculator (which you must pay) but it was buggy/unstable.
