
Current development

  • Thorsten Jordan

    Thorsten Jordan - 2008-04-02

    Hello world,

    we are still alive and kickin'. Currently development is progressing in various levels. Physics are implemented and improved, diving is next; new models are permanently added; recognition manual is about to be implemented and other various things.

    Stay tuned..

    • James Stone

      James Stone - 2009-07-28

      Any news? Not seen anything for a while and the forums seem to be down.

      • Simon Dalsgaard

        Simon Dalsgaard - 2009-07-28

        I have exactly the same question. I can see on the traffic site for <a href="">subversion</a>, that there are still some activity, but that much.

        • LuisB

          LuisB - 2009-07-28

          Development is still active, it might be slow sometimes, but it's going forward. The terrain work is underway, by terrain it means both above and below surface, with a bathymetry data set, and there's some research being done on OSG. Valves screen was added, but it's missing the bindings to the ballasts and trim tanks. The ballasts and trim tanks boyancy code is implemented already, full static & dynamic diving/surfacing is implemented. The only thing missing for the valves screen is for the bindings graphics>code.
          New depth charges models had to be made, the .3ds material is all deprecated, and new models also use per object/material (GLSL) shaders. Work is underway in new models as well.
          In short, it's not dead, everything's moving forward as planned, albeit slowly sometimes.

    • LuisB

      LuisB - 2009-07-28

      I forgot, things go through a planning stage, our private wiki, and then to coding & graphics and then svn. At the moment there's a svn branch for the OpenSceneGraph research, so stay tuned, these things take time & lots of work.

    • Yoann

      Yoann - 2009-08-15

      This software will be very interessing in near future, it will be a model for simmer and a problem for ubisoft :)
      Thx for your work, don't surender !!
      (I am not sure about my english, sry if some word are incorect :) )
      About the deph charge, the strong on a part of one aera will be calculate like that :
      power of deph charge / 4 *3.14 * radius ²
      So, it will help you for a more realistic physics... the major problem is : you must calculate the surface who is exposed at the deph charge, if the explsion is at 180° or 90°, it's not the same power who is been taken by the hull. And the radius is a variable, use of integration is needed.

      It's near the same thing for the sonar of a destroyer : (power of sonar / surface of the sphere, but it's not realy a sphre)* surface of the sub.
      I think mathematics are a very good stuf for a simulation, in silent hunter 3, they use a proportionnal damage and radom factor... all moder think it's not the better way...

      If you are interessed, i will search something for mine difficulty for programing that (and i prefer french language :p )
      If you are not interessed, so you have make a great work with your software, don't surender !! :)

      • John Doukakis

        John Doukakis - 2009-08-18

        I am a developer working for many years with C++. The last four years I am working on a project which uses OpenGL and DirectX, so I have experience on 3D.

        I am not familiar though with your code but I would like to contribute. Where should I start?

        Is there any detailed bug list, someone to give me something to do, some maintenance task on the code that I would be helpful and get familiar with your source code?

        I do not know how much time I can commit on this, but whatever help I can offer, I believe that is welcome to all of you.

    • A.J. Kelleher

      A.J. Kelleher - 2009-08-28


      I have qualifications in physical modelling, although I haven't employed those skills in quite some time. I also have a lot of knowledge, albeit very general about the Battle of the Atlantic.

      I'd hope to be of assistance with either sensor modelling or research or weapons/tactics research. I'd offer to test as well but I doubt my pc would run the game!

      If you feel I could assist, please email me at (ajkelleher) [at] (hotmail) [dot] (com)

      • LuisB

        LuisB - 2009-08-28

        Hi everyone
        About the help offers, they're welcome. At the moment the lead developer is on holidays, so development related questions and offers would need to be directed at him, although we have 2 more regular developers. Particularly any physics related help would be more than useful, and sensors - we could really need some help in recreating an accurate realistic behaviour of the different radar types and radar dectectors used aboard u-boats, as well as some refinment to the existing sonar code. The sonars available were the GHG, KDB, and BG (passive/active) sonars/hydrophones, we have code already working and plotting sound intensity according to frequency used in the map screen, but ideally this would need a revision to make sure everything's ok, and how to extend this to support the KDB and BG sonars (the one in the code at the moment simulates the GHG, an array of 24 hydrophones).
        There's some question as if bathythermographs were used, but there are reports of u-boats on weather report/missions using bathythermographs, which were specially useful in the Mediterranean - this is another detail worth checking.
        For the current state of affairs, the valves screen is in svn, the "glueing" between the funcionality and all the GUI and its elements isn't done yet, but should follow soon once Thorsten Jordan returns from holidays.
        Work is also under way on extending the texture units limitations, on being able to use 2nd UV sets for lightmaps for big models/structures (such as the Lorient bunkers for instance), as well as some extra shaders work being done to test the feasibility of relighting models using offline render data that considers self-shadowing effects (to avoid expensive realtime soft shadows for instance). New models for airplanes, ships, and cariers are being worked on as well.
        Matthias is also doing some research on the terrain code, and eventually the sky generation code (since the model we use is a bit limited).
        So, stay tuned, hopefully once Thorsten returns from holidays he'll have something more to say, and how/where to organize some meeting or so.

    • Matthew L

      Matthew L - 2009-08-28


      The best way to start is to come onto IRC (irc:// for a chat, myself and simsoueu are there/active most days. We do have a sort of TODO list but nothing concrete but if there's an area which you find interesting or want to implement. Checkout the code and give it a compile.


    • Yoann

      Yoann - 2009-08-28

      I can join a meeting on IRC. I can join IRC every sunday.
      30 august or 6, 13, 20, 27 september, at afternoon or evening.

  • Yoann

    Yoann - 2009-10-27

    Ok, so i a day you need a specific thing, as center of gravity modification by ballast use or flooding, but with a well definit context (sorry for my english), i can help.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2012-11-01

    Where is the svn branch for "OpenSceneGraph research"?

    Thanks a lot,

  • Arno Riewe

    Arno Riewe - 2021-07-13

    Is this project still ongoing as of 2021-6-10 ?
    I just downloaded the latest version of the game and it seems nothing has been added or refined
    since 2009-2010 ?
    Please let me know...


    Last edit: Arno Riewe 2021-07-13
  • luisbf

    luisbf - 2021-08-15

    Kind of.
    Doing some work presently to modernize the build system, done really, so we have a neat cmake with some auxiliary developer tools to make life easier, i.e, clang-tidy, cppcheck, all the bells & whistles.
    Some fixes were made, and plenty of modernization to bring it up to to date, at least to organize the code, use some C++17 features (that's the new baseline), and pretty much clean & modernize everything to at least stabilize a master branch, and have a stable relatively bug free clean "master" branch that can be built and maintained, instead of becoming a nightmareish bit-rot.
    Upon this as time allows features can be added, hopefully it'll be easier.


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