
#65 treat javascript: URIs the same as data:


granted they are not that common, but still this is worth considering.

data: URI's are displayed in the document view without any errors and "view" on them opens the data: payload in the editor

javascript: URI's are shown highlighted, with an error (Invalid url) and "view" doesn't open the script.

There is no reason to treat them as an error, despite the fact that nsIURL doesn't like them, and "view" should work, i.e. open the script.


  • Davide Ficano

    Davide Ficano - 2011-06-24

    suppose the code shown below

    <iframe src="javascript:'alert(1)'"></iframe>

    This generates error but also your original

    <iframe src="javascript:'javascript:'"></iframe>

    generates error triyng to open (ok this is due to the fact it is sintattically wrong)

    I'm ready to change the new behaviuor if necessary

  • al_9x

    al_9x - 2011-06-24

    first of all, "javascript:'alert(1)'" is not a call to alert, it's a string literal expression 'alert(1)'
    "javascript:'javascript:'" is a string literal expression 'javascript;' it is not syntactically wrong

    The way javascript: urls work, is everything after the : is executed and the output of the final expression statement becomes the content returned.

    I have no idea why nsIURL doesn't like javascript: URIs, but they are not invalid. I am proposing that you simply display them without the invalid url error and allow the script contents to be opened

  • Davide Ficano

    Davide Ficano - 2011-06-27

    Please apologize me for my ignorance, if I underestand when I found

    <iframe src="javascript:'javascript:'"></iframe>

    The text on editor must contain only the


    When I found

    <iframe src="javascript:'alert(1)'"></iframe>

    The text on editor must contain only the


    Is this correct?

  • al_9x

    al_9x - 2011-06-27

    To make sure I got the question right, you are asking what should be in the text editor when you open/view a javascript: URL?

    I would think, the entire script, everything following javascript:

    In your examples you were stripping the single quotes, they are part of the script.

    The url is going to be %encoded, so it needs to decoded.


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