
#99 Tradesoap exceptions w/high thread count

Tom Benson

Running with high thread counts on a system with 36 cores, I fairly frequently see one or the other of these exceptions from Tradesoap:

java.lang.Exception: TradeDirect:Login failure for user: ...
Incorrect password...

javax.ejb.FinderException: Cannot find account for ....

I have also seen this on an 8-core x86 system, running with 16 threads, but more rarely. On the 36-core Tilera TILE-Gx system, I currently see it in about 1 in 10 runs, when running 32 threads using OpenJDK 1.6, which we've ported to the system. I notice this was reported by someone else on your mailing list as well. I don't see it with more modest thread counts. To me, it looks like a synchronization problem of some kind in Tradesoap.

I'll attach a file containing a stack trace from a 16-thread x86 failure, and a 32-thread TILE-Gx failure. These runs are with no special GC or other options - just a heap size on the 32-thread run.

Tom Benson


  • Tom Benson

    Tom Benson - 2013-02-08

    stack traces from Tradesoap failures

  • Gilles Duboscq

    Gilles Duboscq - 2013-06-19

    I have also seen the "javax.ejb.FinderException: Cannot find account for..." error appear on various x86 machines.


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