
Some updates

New application: gtans-1.1
The Tangram is a Chinese puzzle (Chinese name: 七巧板)where the player has to arrange a set of pieces to match a given shape. All the pieces must be used and should not be laid on top of one another. The pieces are five triangles, a square and a parallelogram. gtans contains more than 290 figures to play with. It uses the mouse to control pieces. gtans is highly customizable using the interface.

MagicPoint-1.09a is built with TrueType scalable font rendering capability now.
gaim-0.58: corrupted DLL files are fixed.
gnobog-0.4.3: updated to 0.4.3 (from 0.4.2) is now available seperately. You can use it to add a "GNOME Programs" submenu (and a "Control Center" submenu) in the root menu of your WindowMaker desktop, as running whole GNOME desktop on Cygwin is not recommended for it's not stable enough.

Posted by Yang Guilong 2003-01-12

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