
feedback regarding initial version of the Prefs--}Logger tab

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-08-05

    (sf is being weird at the moment -- dropdown to choose "forum" is not offering a "general discussion" option)

    Now able to see, in real-time, when a webpage is issuing ajax requests!
    Can use up/down arrows to "walk", view individual image assets.

    Just as you warned that it would, yeah active logging truly does bog pageload.
    Maybe QTwebinspector will cover most needs (without bogging). I don't think it offers "log to disk" though.
    Aha, the items are NOT being read from CD's cache, that's likely why logging is bogging pageload ~~ by issuing redundant requests for every asset.
    Until/unless an item is selected for lower pane inspection, surely those redundant requests are unnecessary.
    Even when inspecting a given item, why re-request rather than reading from browser's cache?

  • Stefan Fröberg

    Stefan Fröberg - 2014-08-06

    Yes, it currently fetches the resources that you select from log.

    Of course caching is better but I haven't enabled it just yet because fearing of crashes.
    Will add that later.

    The way network caching is now done in CD is by using the Qt default implementation QNetworkDiskCache

    However, it has the following line:
    Currently you cannot share the same cache files with more than one disk cache.

    So I guess I have to add a separate QNetworkDiskCache independent of the actual CD cache for this logging feature.

    Update 2:
    Im currently busy of ripping proxy checker code part out of CD, cleaning it, commenting it and open sourcing it.
    So don't be surprised if it takes time for me to answer :-)

    Update 3:
    In addition to logger, that patch added the WebGL disabling feature you requested and also E-Tags tracking prevention.


    Last edit: Stefan Fröberg 2014-08-06
  • sandax

    sandax - 2014-08-06

    Adding QTwebinspector, especially if it can be opened to a separate window (vs a resizable pane), would bring a LOT of insightful functionality so that probably merits higher priority than modifying the custom logging tab. Nonetheless, here are a couple points of feedback regarding the logging tab:


    "progress bar"

    -- unclear whether it represents overall page loading, or loading of asset displayed in lower section.

    -- regardless what the progressbar represents, why calculate/monitor 20%, 40%... ?
    Preferable would be an "activity" indicator, displayed to main toolbar (not prefs pane), to indicate whenever the browser is currently loading (currently has connections open?). It might need to remain "lit" for a minimum time, else user might miss seeing an indication (if the period of activity lasts only xx milliseconds).


    Feature request:
    Add a right-click context menu to upper section (where focus is on a line/item), to provide commands for:
    -- "Save File As" (hopefully extracted from CD cache rather than issuing another request)
    -- "Copy URL to clipboard"
    -- "Open this URL in a new Tab" (b/c viewing large imagefile in lower-right pane is awkward)
    -- "view-source in a modal/popup/resizable window" (url is displayed in modal's titlebar)


    suggested behavior:
    Each time a line item in upper section receives focus, first BLANK lower section, THEN populate lower section

    If, due to its declared mimetype, the line item which now has focus cannot be displayed, lower section content box might (instead of remaining blank) display msg stating "items of this mimetype cannot be displayed here".

    (Bear in mind that the server may have accidentally, or even intentionally, applied an incorrect content-type header value. I doubt we can expect the QT widget is sophisticated enough to detect actual/correct mimetype.)



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