
color wrapper / News: Recent posts

cw/color wrapper: v1.0.15 released.

Fixed "make install" failure that occured on some systems. Fixed compiler warnings of execle() calls the occured on some systems. Added 10 new definition files.

Posted by Vade 79 2007-09-25

cw/color wrapper: v1.0.14 released. (bugfix)

Fixed bug that could crash cw, introduced in the previous version. (found/patched by

Posted by Vade 79 2005-09-26

cw/color wrapper: v1.0.13 released.

Added command-line options --cw-colorize, --cw-invert, --cw-nocolor, --cw-norandom, --cw-usepty, and --cw-supermap to be used for on-the-fly changes in conjunction with wrapped programs. Added the "noaddhelp" definition instruction, to disable the display of cw options when "--help" is passed to the wrapped program.

Posted by Vade 79 2005-09-18

cw/color wrapper: v1.0.11 released.

Added support to compile on QNX. Added the "nowarnings" and "warnings" definition instructions. Configure arguments --prefix and --mandir are now fully operational, including relation to colorcfg. Changed the real program filename reference to strip the path and only show the filename. Changed the "path" definition instruction to allow "<env>" to be included with other paths. Changed many minor features.

Posted by Vade 79 2005-03-22

cw/color wrapper: v1.0.11 released.

Added the "cwe" command. Added the "supermap" definition instruction and the "CW_SUPERMAP" environmental variable check, to change the internal color format to a completely different color format(ie. NON-ANSI), such as HTML tags. Added the "lborder", "rborder", "forcecolor", "print", "noeol" and "proctitle" definition instructions and "CW_LBORDER", "CW_RBORDER" and "CW_RANDOM" environmental variable checks. Added (automatic) proctitle support, to have a better process listing appearance. Changed handling of user interrupts(CTRL-C). Fixed multiple bugs.

Posted by Vade 79 2005-02-28

cw/color wrapper: v1.0.10 released.

Added "!" and "@" to run programs as they are placed in the cw definition file. Added the "ifexit", "ifnexit" and "ifexit-else" definition instructions, to compare exit levels. Added "CW_CHK_NOCOLOR" and "CW_CHK_SETCODE" environmental variable checks, to run a program/shell expression and check the exit code to either disable the color or set to be used against the "ifexit" definition instructions. Added the "useifregex" definition instruction, to enable use of regex comparisons with the "ifarg" and "ifos" definition instructions. Fixed multiple bugs in cwu.

Posted by Vade 79 2005-02-14

cw/color wrapper: v1.0.9 released.

Added "CW_HEADER" and "CW_FOOTER" environmental variable checks, to set a header/footer if there is not one specified in the definition file. Added the "remap" definition instruction and the "CW_REMAP" environmental variable check, to remap colors to special ANSI (code) colors or other internal colors. Added the "clear" definition instruction and the "CW_CLEAR" environmental variable check, to clear the screen before the program starts. Added the "nocolor" definition instruction, to disable all coloring via a definition file. Added pre-made headers/footers. Fixed several bugs.

Posted by Vade 79 2005-01-24

cw/color wrapper: v1.0.8 released.

Fixed a bug that could cut off the last lines of long output from programs that process faster than cw. Added passing of the exit value. Added the "ifos", "ifnos", ifos-else" and "ifarg-else" definition instructions for more specific coloring situatons. Added the "nobackground" definition instruction to disable program stopping(^Z). Added support to stop the program while running(^Z). Added support for Solaris and Cygwin. Removed the depreciated "OS=" argument used in conjunction with "ifarg". Added/Revised the pre-made groups, arp, mount, ping, lsof, ps, and df definition files.

Posted by Vade 79 2005-01-19

cw/color wrapper: v1.0.7 released.

Added the "regex" definition instruction, for matching text with regex patterns. Added the "usepty" definition instruction and the "CW_USEPTY" environmental variable check to allocate a pty. Added the "OS=" argument to be used in conjunction with the "ifarg" and "ifnarg" definition instructions, to allow for operating system specific coloring. Added "CW_INVERT" environmental variable check, to invert the colormap. Added "<env>" to be used in conjunction with the "path" definition instruction to import the PATH environmental variable. Added autoconf install procedure. Fixed infinite recursive running of cw when using improper "path" definitions. Fixed "colorcfg" for local install usage. Fixed "cwu" line-wrapping issue. Added/Revised many definition files.

Posted by Vade 79 2005-01-11

cw/color wrapper: v1.0.6 released.

Added "CW_COLORIZE" environmental variable check to help make a uniform color scheme. Added "MAKELEVEL" environmental variable check to help stop unwanted coloring when using the "make" program. Added "colorcfg" script to help automate the enabling of cw on a per-user basis. Added "black" as a usable color for random related definitions. Revised execution method. Revised the pre-made 'make' and 'df' definition file.

Posted by Vade 79 2004-12-28

cw/color wrapper: v1.0.5 released.

Added two methods of randomizing color, "random" and "random-goto" definition instructions. Added the colors "random", "random+" and "random&" to be used for random coloring in conjunction with the "random" definition instruction. Added the "nopipe" definition instruction and the "NOCOLOR_PIPE" environmental variable check to help unwanted coloring situations. Added text documentation. Added the pre-made g++, cal, md5sum, and cksum definition files. Revised over 20 pre-made definition files.

Posted by Vade 79 2004-09-22

cw/color wrapper: v1.0.2 released.

changelog: (compacted)
fixed an overly long output string bug that would crash cw. fixed a bug which checked for a binary to be +r to run, instead of +x. added ANSI stripping, which strips a programs output of ANSI colors to not conflict with cw's coloring. added "nostrip" definition instruction to disable ANSI stripping. added text file color wrapping. added ifarg/ifnarg constant comparisions "<any>" and "<none>", and allowed constants to be used in list form. added messages@, xferlog@, passwd@, cpuinfo@, meminfo@, configure, vmstat, pmap, and nslookup pre-made definition files. revised find, fuser, ping, who, and wc pre-made definition files. revised package to compile on non-linux operating systems. also fixed some minor grammar errors.

Posted by Vade 79 2004-08-16

cw/color wrapper: v1.0.1 released.

Initial public release.

Posted by Vade 79 2004-08-11