
#977 Refresh files on right-click unnecessary

WinCvs (709)
Timm Ganske

- Start Wincvs in Flat mode using big cvs directory
- Right-click on root folder in left subwindow
-> It takes quite a lot of time to show the menu

My purpose doing right-click on the folder is (mostly) to do cvs update. The refresh of changed files list in flat mode which takes quite a lot of time doesn't make sense before that cvs update is done. The menu should appear fast, before refreshing. If user does right-click, no refresh should occur until menu action is chosen and handled, but refresh seems to be done caused by the right-click.

Things that relate to this bug and may be reported later separately:

Refresh shouldn't block user interaction, I very often use the escape key to do something e. g. turn flat mode off. Is there no better way to handle this? Why is the icon for "turn flat mode off" not handled while the refresh is being done, the refresh has to be started again afterwards anyway?

I'm also not sure if the time between refresh is used at all, it seems to have no effect. I'd like to have "do refresh only manually on F5". Or is this possible already using a time of 0 seconds or unchecking that preference for "refresh file view every xxx seconds"? The help doesn't say anything about the elements of the preferences dialog, only which tab has which purpose (which can be guessed by the title). Tool tip is also not available.


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