
Profile Bug

  • NekstBestThing

    NekstBestThing - 2006-03-11

    I'm not the person who posted earlier on the plugins page about the "You're profile is too long" bug, but the same thing is happeneing to me too.

    I'm running W2K and the latest version of GAIM.
    I've used this plugin for a long time and love it. But since I upgraded gaim and the plugin Ive had this problem.

    There is no irregular text in the song or whatever, just a bunch of repetitve notices about my profile being trunkated.

    I would love to get this working so people can know what I am listening to in my availble message and in my profile.

    Especially in my profile.

    • John Roark

      John Roark - 2006-03-11

      It sounds like you already have text in your profile? How long is the song text?


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