

  • Esen Sagynov

    Esen Sagynov - 2010-10-14

    Dear Yifan,

    Let me tell you one thing regarding the applications we develop for CUBRID. The main purpose of the development is its further "application" or "usage" by users. We create these apps to have them use it. Otherwise, there is no purpose.

    In case of PDO Driver, could you please send me a short list of famous applications which use PDO Driver? I should see how much potential is this product for us and how we could leverage it.

    I would be very pleased for your help.

    Concerning the PDO Driver profile on PECL, I will create it. And let's continue our conversation here on forum.


    ---Original Message---
    From: "范一璠"<>
    To: "에센 사그노브"<>
    Sent: 10-10-14(목) 17:05:28
    Subject: 答复: About PHP PDO driver for CUBRID

    It is good to create a separate profile for PDO driver! J

    I believe I can finish PDO driver before next weekend. After exchange of views with my leader, if release of PDO is not urgent, I think we can do more carefully tests and code review, and release PDO before the end of this month.

    发件人: 에센 사그노브
    发送时间: 2010年10月14日 15:27
    收件人: 范一璠
    主题: RE: About PHP PDO driver for CUBRID

    Hello Yifan,

    Long time no communications :).

    To say the truth, I am happy PDO Driver is getting finalized. And yes, it would be really great if we published it to PECL. Do you want me to create a separate profile for the PDO Driver?

    What is your estimations regarding the release date?


    ---Original Message---
    From: "范一璠"<>
    To: "에센 사그노브"<>
    Sent: 10-10-14(목) 14:54:25
    Subject: About PHP PDO driver for CUBRID

    Hi Essen, J

    The development of PDO Driver for CUBRID comes to an end. Now, I am doing code review and tests on it. Maybe we can also publish it in PECL in future. What do you think?

    Respectfully yours


  • thorny-road

    thorny-road - 2010-10-14

    OK. I understand it. :)

    As far as I konw, open source web application framework such as Zend Framwork, Yii, and open source CMS system Drupal are all use PDO. So I believe PDO driver will be an important member in CUBRID interfaces.

  • Esen Sagynov

    Esen Sagynov - 2010-10-29

    Dear Yifan,

    Has PDO test been completed? When do you plan to release it?

  • thorny-road

    thorny-road - 2010-11-02

    I test it with Yii framework, and fix a bug in the driver. But the test has not been smooth.

    The PDO specification is not as complete as other data access abstraction like ODBC or JDBC. For example, it don't support standard methods to get db schema info.

    So if we want PDO driver work with framework like Yii or Zend, we have to add additional php codes into Yii or Zend, and this is time-consuming work.

  • thorny-road

    thorny-road - 2010-11-02

    And in terms of PDO driver itself, I believe it is complete enough for real-world use, maybe a beta version.

    I will add PDO intro to Trac soon.

  • thorny-road

    thorny-road - 2010-11-03

    Hi kadishmal,

    I have compiled and tested CUBRID PDO driver on both Linux and  Windows, and it works correctly. I believe we can release CUBRID PDO driver onto PECL. All code and doc files are commited onto SF SVN. You can check them and give me advice.  :)

  • Esen Sagynov

    Esen Sagynov - 2010-11-04

    Hi Yifan,

    What is CUBRID PDO Driver's license? GPL or BSD?

    If it is GPL, here is what we have to do.

    1) submit code to PECL (I will ask the Romanian team, they have experience)
    2)  submit docs to PHP Docs (I will ask the Romanian team, they have experience)
    3) create a PECL profile for PDO (I will create)
    4) upload the driver (you will upload)
    5) create a page for PDO Driver at (I will create)

    Another question:

    a) In order to use this PDO users can use general PDO syntax, right?
    b) Are there any features that user have to know when using CUBRID PDO?
    c) You said, in our driver we do not support some features of PDO, what are they? We should document it and let the users know that they cannot user these features.

    Thank you!

  • Esen Sagynov

    Esen Sagynov - 2010-11-04

    By the way, what are the requirements for PDO driver:

    1) CUBRID version
    2) PHP version

    When you finish, please send me the libraries for Windows OS for both PHP 5.2.x and 5.3.x.

  • thorny-road

    thorny-road - 2010-11-04

    The license of PDO is neither GPL or BSD, but CLA (Contributor License Agreement). You can get more information at

    a) Yes, they can use general PDO syntax.
    b) They just need to know PDO, and that's enough. They can get attributes of CUBRID from PDO methods PDO::getAttribute.
    c) Most of PDO features are implemented. Some features we can't support  in current version CUBRID & CCI. For example, we don't support persistent connection , blob. And I will document them.

  • thorny-road

    thorny-road - 2010-11-04

    The PDO driver needs CUBRID 8.3.0 and PHP 5.3.x.

    And these days I read some materials about PHP on Windows. And I find that FastCGI is really recommended for running PHP on Windows. So FastCGI + IIS + PHP5.3 is the best combination. In future, new version PHP will be not able to compiled with VC6. So I think we can give advice to Windows users.

  • thorny-road

    thorny-road - 2010-11-04

    You can get information about FastCGI at

  • Esen Sagynov

    Esen Sagynov - 2010-11-04

    1) Thank you for the license info. The reason I asked is to make sure we can freely distribute the code we (CUBRID) developed. So, this is settled.

    2) BLOB/CLOB data types are already implemented in CUBRID 3.1. The beta release will be announced next week. So, PDO Driver will need modifications later. Anyway, please document everything. By the way, you said docs are also committed to SVN, but I didn't see them. I saw on Wiki only. Is that all? For PHP Docs, I will ask the Romanian team to submit CUBRID PDO docs like this one MySQL did For that I need to give them the contents of PDO documentation.

    3) I wonder why CUBRID PDO Driver does not support PHP 5.2.x? Many, so many users are stuck with it.

    4) We should not be bothered by what users use a Web Server. We should make our APIs work with all Servers, including Apache, IIS, and other. So, this FastCGI+IIS should be forgotten. So, here is a question. Does CUBRID PHP API and PDO work perfectly with ISS?

    5) We have to support VC6 as long as PHP keeps VC6 support. Is PDO driver compiled by VC6?

  • thorny-road

    thorny-road - 2010-11-04

    2) I will send you the xml format docs later.

    3) I write pdo_cubrid with php-5.3.3 and pdo, and I find that it can't be compiled successfully with php-5.2.x. I will find where the problem is and fix it.

    4) I didn't test php driver with IIS myself. I get it from Pierre Joye, who is PHP core developer, and a Windows Fan.

    5) I have compiled PDO with VC6, and I will add VC6 and VC9 project files into SVN later.

  • Esen Sagynov

    Esen Sagynov - 2010-11-04

    Have just created a CUBRID PDO Driver profile at PECL After you fix the issue with PHP 5.2.x please let me know. Don't upload yet. I will tell you later.

  • thorny-road

    thorny-road - 2010-11-04

    I have fix the problem with PHP 5.2.x and the newest codes have been committed. I also completes the xml docs, and I will send it to you soon.

    But I encounter a problem with pecl installation when testing on local machine. I am working on it.

  • Esen Sagynov

    Esen Sagynov - 2010-11-04

    Great! You are a man of results! Hope to hear good news soon.

  • Esen Sagynov

    Esen Sagynov - 2010-11-08

    Hi Yifan,

    The Romanian team has uploaded CUBRID PDO Docs to PHP Docs They found several problems within the xml files. I will send you later the new version by email.

    How is going with PHP 5.2.x support? When do you plan to finish?

  • Esen Sagynov

    Esen Sagynov - 2010-11-08


    This PECL package again will not be available for Windows users, right? If so, please send me the compiled libraries for Windows OS. I will need to upload them to

  • thorny-road

    thorny-road - 2010-11-08

    Grateful thanks to Romanian team!

    CUBRID PDO can work with PHP 5.2.x now. I will upload PECL package today.  And I will send Windows libraries to you as soon as possible after testing.

  • thorny-road

    thorny-road - 2010-11-09


    Hi kadishmal,

    I have uploaded the first CUBRID PDO release to PECL, and tested PECL installation on my machine. It is all right.

    But I still can't give you the windows dll for php-5.2.x. When compiling pdo_cubrid in VC6, it will link php5ts.dll. But the php5ts.dll in php-5.2.14 which can be downloaded from don't contain PDO. So when linking in VC6, it will fail.

    I don't solve this problem now, and I will ask xiaoshan78 for help tomorrow.

  • thorny-road

    thorny-road - 2010-11-09

    Hi kadishmal,

    I have send VC6 CUBRID PDO dll for php-5.2.x to you. I solve the problem by using utilities DUMPBIN and LIB in Windows Server Feb. 2003 SDK which can provide information about the format and symbols provided in executable, library, and DLL files.

    I use these tools to create lib file of the php_pdo.dll, which can be used when linking libraries in VC6 .


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