
Can't make it work

Juan Lanus
  • Juan Lanus

    Juan Lanus - 2002-09-24


    I'm trying to set ctags to work with some old FORTRAN 77 programs.
    I'm in Windows 2000, vim 6.1 and exctags 5.3.1.
    The programs are for VAX FORTRAN 77 as of 1988. Writen with tabs and 132 columns line length.

    I imagined that after creating the ctags file I could <ctrol>] on a variable name and zap!: appear looking at it's definition. Even if that definition is located in a different file, one of my .DES record DEScription file.
    But it works only for the variables defined insode the programs, not for those defined in include files.

    The ctags program is processing the .DES files but no tags are generated for them.

    I studied all the available ctags options and finally got this command where I specify all the options:

    C:\vim\ctags531\ctags -f c:\p\tags -h ".des.DES.rec.REC.reg.REG" --sort=foldcase --totals=yes --verbose=yes --langmap=fortran:.for.des.rec.reg.FOR.DES.REC.REG --languages=fortran --fortran-types=+bcefiklLmnpstv *.for *.des *.reg *.rec *.DES > runCtagsLog.txt

    The command output (pruned) is this:

      Option: --langmap=fortran:.for.des.rec.reg.FOR.DES.REC.REG
        Setting Fortran language map: .for .des .rec .reg .FOR .DES .REC .REG
      Option: --languages=fortran
        Enabled languages: fortran
      Option: --fortran-types=+bcefiklLmnpstv
    Reading command line arguments
    OPENING abmctas.for as Fortran language file
    OPENING abmpreglo.for as Fortran language file
    OPENING abmsuc014.for as Fortran language file
    OPENING abmtrans.for as Fortran language file
    OPENING actpercon.for as Fortran language file
    actpercon.for: unterminated character string at line 42
    actpercon.for: not fixed source form; retry as free source form
    OPENING actpercon.for as Fortran language file
    actpercon.for: unterminated character string at line 42
    actpercon.for: unterminated character string at line 43
    OPENING per3i020.for as Fortran language file
    OPENING aleman.for as Fortran language file
    OPENING altapedpc.for as Fortran language file
    ... snip ...
    OPENING pergenptxpcia.for as Fortran language file
    OPENING menu_perme.for as Fortran language file
    OPENING afacturar.des as Fortran language include file
    OPENING mysmgdef.des as Fortran language include file
    OPENING asoc009.des as Fortran language include file
    OPENING atributos.des as Fortran language include file
    OPENING strPERFAC008.des as Fortran language include file
    OPENING datos_aurus.des as Fortran language include file
    OPENING lastnrofac.des as Fortran language include file
    OPENING p_contable.des as Fortran language include file
    OPENING perpar005.des as Fortran language include file
    sorting tag file
    302 files, 145520 lines (4700 kB) scanned in 8.5 seconds (555 kB/s)
    14035 tags added to tag file
    14035 tags sorted in 0.43 seconds

    The I open a program and <ctrol>] a name and, if it was defined in an include file I get a "tag not found" message in vim.

    What am I dping wrong? This is my first contact with tags files of any sort and I'm vexed.


    Juan Lanus

    • Elliott Hughes

      Elliott Hughes - 2007-06-24

      if you're still having trouble, please raise a bug in the bug tracker, with a small example (so that maintainers who don't know FORTRAN will be more likely to be able to help). no-one actually reads these forums.

      (i'll ask an admin to close this forum.)



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