
And the future ?

What will come in the future with C_Str ?

First point:

Library use in the near future, wide characters (wchat_t). How will this be implemented? I do not know yet. I can not tell you if the two types (char and wchar_t) will be available separately or only wchar_t will be available for both standard and wide characters.

Second point:

I will work on the part of the deallocation. I actually foresee a module that will, as a garbage collector to release the objects not destroyed when the program is now complete. How will this be implemented? I still do not know (yet I know lol). I'm going on two ideas for the moment ... The first would be to simply make a call atexit () which will call a cleanup function (all objects are chained together). This idea is the best in terms of portability and simple enough to implement. The second would be to have a separate process and the calling program when the program crash, the adjacent processes can always release objets. It's would be an ideal solution but portability side, to consider management processes and system calls of each type of system and it is a very difficult task and I'm not yet convinced that this is really necessary for a library as C_Str.

I'll let you know the way that I choose.


Posted by Franck HECHT 2013-07-26

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